"Is this love at first sight.. uwu?"

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Pitbull is about to finish his nightly geog (jog) for jis youtube channel night in pitbull's life. Pitbull ends his video, "Alright guys this is the end of m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-my v-v-v-v-video uwu TEEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEEHEEHHEEHHEEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHE UWUUWUWUWU" Pitbull starts to run *CUTELY* and then notices a crime scene at this neighbors house. Pitbull then *CUTELY* to the crime scene, locking eyes with a *TALL RED MUSCULAR* man. "Is this love at first sight UWU" pitbull thinks. He stares deeply at the mans RED STONE HARD 82 PACK. The *TALL RED MUSCULAR MAN* says in a deep, low, voice, that makes pitbulls heart shake and quake in his boots, "YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE BBG??! RUFF RUFF RUFF IM THE ALPHA BARK BARK SNARL SNARL 💪💪💪🥶🥶" Pitbull turns red, "Y-y-y-y-y-yes i-i-i-i-i d-d-d-d-do uwu.." The red tall MUSULAR man blushes, saying, "Wannna go on a daye my little omega baby girl" pitbull gasped, "y-y-y-yes i do...." The tall red MUSCULAR man shomped on the dead persons body like the big alpha man he his and gives pitbull a smooch on the forehead, saying, "now we can go on our dates, my little omega cupcake sweetheart bbg"
The end, for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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