Chapter 28

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Tsuki Morono, an ex council and shinobi of the sand village, was seen at his secret base, hidden deep within the forest, surveying his subordinates putting together weapons for the attack he is about to launch at Suna. He decided not to go to Konoha when he found a lot of rouges who have the same hatred for Gaara and wanted to see it burn.

"hahahahaha, they don't know what's in store for them, I will obliterate every village and rule" he stated. Then an image of Naruto popped up in his head and grinned maniacally.

"Yes I'll also kill that Jinchuriki and his child in front of that Gaara" he said, mentioning Gaara's name with venom. He was so deep in his hatred that he never realized one of his subordinates came in front of him.

"Morono-sama?" he snapped out of his thoughts and answered "yes?"

"All weapons are ready and set, all is needed is approximately 150 more shinobis and we'll be ready to attack the village."

Tsuki laughed gleefully, feeling overjoyed that he is almost close to his goal.

"soon I'll get to destroy you Suna just you wait"

It's been a week since Konoha was working on the treaty and now that it's finish it was time to head over to Suna.

" I have a bad feeling about this" Kakashi said, feeling dread in the pit of his stomach.

"As you should, Do you seriously think I don't feel like I'll be in a sand coffin the minute I arrive there, of course I am you dumbass we're literally walking to our deaths this minute" Tsunade barked out, she may be the strongest woman with her strength, but she knows not to piss of the one tailed Jinchuriki as he is Naruto's fiancé and lover and walking there to sign a treaty is like asking to piss him off.

"I can already feel the devilish glare already and we're not even at the borders of sand and Konoha" Kurenai said, shivering immensely.

Sasuke who was at the far back stared at them as they dread the meeting with the Kazekage.

"Why are you making such a big fuss over this, he's just Gaara" he said

"Exactly, he is Gaara, a downright psychopath when he was younger and now with Naruto who is pregnant do you think he's gonna be just a walk in the park, especially after we kidnapped Naruto before" Asuma said

Sasuke rolled his eyes " Like hell I care"

"You're gonna swallow that bitchy attitude when you get there" Tenten stated, annoyed at Sasuke acting like a little bitch.

Sasuke huffed and kept his mouth shut for the rest of the journey.

After two they arrived at the gates of Suna. The guards at the gates looked at them in disdain but they did their duty nonetheless.

"Halt state your business" One asked

"We're here to resign a treat with your Kazekage, may we speak with him please?" Tsunade asked

"No, he is busy Lady Hokage, please come back another time" The other said rather dismissively.

Tsunade was about to respond when Sakura butted in

"who the hell do you think you are talking to, has Suna gone so low to not train their people to show respect to other Kages"

Tsunade and the others slapped their foreheads and groaned irritably, knowing that this big ass forehead pink haired blob of a bitch had just caused them to lose any amount of respect that they don't always have here.

The guards growled and was about to retort when they heard a soft voice that belong to their leader's beloved.

"Naruto-Sama" they chorused. Naruto laughed and lightly whacked them in the head

"I told you to stop calling me that, just because I'm with Gaara does not mean you should do it" They smiled at him but there smile were wiped off when Sakura cleared her throat

Konoha nins along with their Kage were shocked to see Naruto, he looked so different from the last time, his belly was big and round almost like he was going to pop any minute now. His hair was a lot taller and he was glowing.

"Naruto" Kakashi whispered breathlessly, the guilt of not taking care of Naruto intensified just by seeing him. He's never get to see his Sensei's grandson/ granddaughter growing up because he pushed Naruto away.

Naruto saw them and asked " what are you doing here? I sensed you from the Hospital so I just came here to see why'd you show yourselves knowing you're not welcomed." The hearts of the Konoha nins dropped as they heard those words

"State your business"

"We are here to resign a treaty with Suna" Tsunade responded. Naruto stared at them then he turned and said

"Follow me"

Gaara, Shikamaru, Kiba, Neji and Shino along with his anbus were in the office discussing the development of the training.

"How are they fairing?" Gaara asked them

"So far, the chunins can mold their chakra into arrows, but once it comes to shooting the arrow it explode in their faces and drain them of their chakra." the anbu replied

"At least they've learnt to mold the chakra, I'm proud" Gaara said making the anbus feels proud

"what about the Jonins" He asked

This time Kiba answered " They have improved on expanding their chakra by 10%, they can hold out with and anbu whose almost at full power for 8 minutes."

Then Shino continued " They can fight head on with two other jonins while I drain their chakra for 3 minutes, which is very surprising as my bugs are not draining it slowly"

"The anbus?" Neji looked at his father and answered

"The anbus have learnt to fight with their chakra points blocked, which makes their strength in using their jutsus and weapons more brutal and effective when they're uinblocked

Gaara had a smile on his face, he was feeling very proud of his people and he showed it by saying "you guys make me proud, in such a short time you have showed that me that you are capable of protecting this village and for that when this war is over, all of you will have a week off, please spread this word to the others when you get back to your duties"

They were stupefied, he has never done this before and the fact that he is doing this now them more determined to win this war.

"Hai Kazekage-Sama" they exclaimed. The anbus dispersed and went to their respective post, the others were about to leave when Naruto entered

"Mom" Neji called out and was about to walk to him when they saw the Konoha nins came in

"Hello Gaara-Sama" Tsunade greeted

"Why are you here" he growled

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