Chapter 4

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Naruto POV

After listening to what my so called friends had said about me I was upset, no pissed. I can't believe that after everything I have done, I'm still the dumb knucklehead to them, the idiot and the one that would just smile and take it like a bitch. I was sooooo angry that I didn't even realize that lightening was dancing all over my body and fire was under my feet as I walk along the path to my home.

Kurama POV

I was angry at what they said about my kit, after all the near deaths he endured to ensure that their sorry asses was saved, they were still ungrateful and turned a blind eye to it because they believe that he will always be there for them and I can see that he's at his point of just giving up.  
"Kit" I said softly, but he never heard because he was definitely pissed so tried again,
"Kit!!" I shouted, but it's as if he has blocked me because the lightening and fire keeps getting stronger and stronger around him. I sighed as I waited for him to calm down so I can speak to him.

Naruto POV

I arrived at my home, tears flowed down my cheeks as I take time to fully understand that I was never enough in their eyes, just someone they can bitch to about their problems and only available when they see fit. I hear Kurama calling out to me but I was too upset to talk to him, as I looked down I was shocked at what I saw. Fire and lightening was dancing all over my body and yet I wasn't burning, to be more precise I felt calm with them on my body. I can feel myself calming down while watching them and asked Kurama with curiousity
" kura-nii, what is going on??", He was silent for a while then answered
" it seems as that you have fire and lightening affinities, a very unique affinities might I say". I was confused as I never understood what he meant so I asked,
" what do you mean by very unique??, He replied
" you know that for every affinity, you need to use chakra right??,
"Yes I know" I replied, trying to figure out where he's getting at.
" Well, as you can see you don't need chakra to call these two as they come natural to you. It also seems as if you already had them but they were just dormant until today when you get upset.
To stop it from covering your body, all you need to do is calm your breathing and you should be fine", he said to me. I was shocked when he told me all of that and I was intrigued with the newfound power that I have. I focus on my breathing as kura- nii said and almost immediately the fire and lightning disappeared from my body.
"Thank you Kurama, without you I think I would of given up already", I said with gratitude. He chuckled and said,
" you're welcome kit". I was sitting on my couch when I suddenly remembered a present that I had for my nii-san.
" Oh Kurama I almost forgot something" I said as I started to work on some seals that I invent specifically for this moment. "What is it kit", he asked with curiousity as he was wondering what could I possibly give that he had already.
" You'll see just close your eyes and no matter what you hear do not open them okay", I said sternly.
" Okay okay I will not look" he said irritatedly as he wanted to see what I would give him, but he closed his eyes. After seeing that he isn't looking, I focused on the task at hand.

Kurama POV

I was irritated when he asked me to close my eyes. I wanted to see what he wanted to give me, but he won't let me. I heard a lot of shuffling and then a shout,
" 3 trigram seal: release!!!", Naruto shouted and then I felt air on my skin. Wait skin, what in the he-,
"there now you can open your eyes" he said softly, almost as if he was out of breath. I opened my eyes and I saw naruto in front me sitting on the floor in exhaustion.
" Man that took a lot of my chakra, I want to sleep" he said sleepily. I was shocked that he did this for me, he knows the consequences of me being
outside. As if he knew what my worries were he said " don't worry kura, I did it in a way that you can go back whenever you want, we'll always be connected to each other but the seal that was used enables you go as far as you want without having to worry about the connection, I can still speak to you and if you are away from me I can pull you back here, you're free kura, well as free as I can make you".
He had a smile on his face while saying all of that to me and it brought tears to my eyes because he's the only one to consider me as somebody important to him, he's the only one that treats me like I'm not a beast and there's only one question that keeps running through my mind and that is why. He must of knew what I was thinking because before he fell asleep he said three words that makes me, the great almighty kitsune cry. " Simple. Your my nii-san"

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