Chapter 1

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hey peeps sorry it took me so long to update, I wanna take time and do the tourettes that the main character right and to the point where im not making them a fetish, because I dont think having tics is cute, its hard for the people who have them mentally and physically, so Im trying to do this right. And if you have tourettes please tell me if anything bothers you. Anyway enjoy this chapter!

Ch 1

Zanes pov 

I woke up to yelling and stomping coming towards my door, so I quickly got up ready in case “father” decides I get a punishment early or later. I hope to the gods it's later. He storms in and by the look on his face, he's choosing early punishment. I just hope it's not bad this time. Last time I couldn't walk for a good two days. He then yells my demise “You bitch! I thought I told to clean my house, did I not?!” I tremble then force out “I'm sorry sir it seems i forgot will you let me make up for it?” I ask in hope he says I can make up for it. My hope is lost when a tic hits my chest. With a slap and I fall to the floor, staring at him in horror at what's next. “You and your stupid tic! So fucking annoying! May as well just kill you here. You've got no one to care, anyway.” he says, walking towards me like a wolf to his prey. I give up on talking and just let him hit me. I learned at a young age that fighting just makes it hurt more.

My vision got blurry, I lost feeling in my legs a minute ago and I'm kinda worried but my so-called parents kept going, that is until I heard sirens and saw flashing lights appear from the basement window, “Damn it leave the kid he's gonna die anyway let's book it!” my “Mother” yells and bolts to the door, Before my “Father” tries to leave he says “I hope you die and burn in hell you mistake of a child!” he yells and I look at him with no emotion and he leaves. As I'm drifting off, I hear a voice of a woman? “Hey bud, can ya stay awake or not? We're gonna take you to the hospital, hold on.” She says calmly and collected and lifts me up like I'm nothing and that's the last thing I remember before I pass out.

I wake up to voices in my “room” wait... people!? I shoot up and immediately regret doing that as my body aches. I'm laid back down by a calm voice and open my eyes to see the most godlike person. “Woah there! had me scared for a sec, you alright?” a honey like voice from behind this guy,I go to nod my head, but soon pause as I can't feel my legs, “It's gonna be hard to hear but you're temporarily paralyzed from mid-thigh and down.” he says being serious, My eyes gather tears, The weight of those words weighed me down to the core of the earth. I tic and it ends up smacking my leg a few times. I feel like I have tourettes but a mild case because I don't do it often, but often enough that it's still considered tourettes They stare at me in shock and I shrug “Sorry I have tourettes-BOOP BITCH! That I have often.” I say, ticking in between. They stare before communicating with their faces before turning to me and saying the words i had never expected to hear, “Since your parents were arrested and you have no living relatives you will be sent to an institution, they have already been formed of your arrival which will be next week, then you will start recovery there.” They say, walking out, leaving me with my thoughts. Huh, those sons a bitches finally got arrested, I'm so happy. 

-----------Timeskip(A Week Later)---------

I rolled out of the car into my wheelchair I got from the hospital. I go inside only to meet the most handsome men I have ever seen. “Are you Zanè?” One boy was Felix from what the two told me.I don't answer and just nod my head, not really feeling up to talk. I roll to my room downstairs seeing as of now I can't feel my legs so that's just dandy ain't it? I rolled in the room and didn't even bother to pack my things away and rolled to the bed and got onto the bed and passed out. I felt someone shaking me and I hit them and heard them chuckle, “Cmon sweetpea, you need to wake up so you can eat.” They shake me. I open my eyes to see Simon and shut my eyes again. He laughs again and I swear it's like hearing the angels sing, “Let's go or I'll just carry you down.” He says walking closer to my bed, “I'd like to see you try bitchface!” I yell covering my head with my covers, “Wow what a dirty mouth you have sweetpea might have to fix that.” he says and I feel him picking me up and taking me downstairs but I don't remember waking falling asleep until i'm in his lap while everyone is talking, I feel a pair of eyes on me and i see MJs he looks at me and smirks, wonder what the hells he's smirking at. I decide that i'm not ready to wake up yet and try to fall back asleep until I feel someone patting my back, “C'mon honey wake up~ you need to eat.” the lap im sitting on says which I figure from the deep voice its blake's lap I slept on oh well.

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