Ch 2

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(Sorry for the image on top if its blurry Its his room)
And ill do a chapter sometime of what the inside of the house looks like :)

I woke up again to see that I'm now in the living room still laying on Blakes. I went to sit up but remembered that I'll possibly never feel my legs again. That being said, I moved my head to his neck and said in a low tone, “Could you get my wheelchair? I wanna go to the garden.” And I guess I surprised him because he jumped a little before nodding and lifting me up to set me on Simon's lap, where I looked at his face and saw that stupid smirk he had.

“So sweetheart, how's being awake after you called someone a bitchface?” he asks and I chuckle before replying “It was great, how was being called a bitchface? Did I hurt your ego?” I smirked at the end, but I looked and he was shocked but amused as well, so an odd mix of those two emotions which was weird to me. Anyway, I roll out to the garden and when I'm alone, I often have these nasty thoughts which screw me over, but this time there are no voices like they're completely gone. I thought about the events leading me here and to say it was a lot of events, which got me thinking what would happen if I would never get my ability to walk back, i didn't realize my breathing got heavy and there it was the start of my panic attack, I also didn't notice my arms full of red line all up and down my arm i must've been scratching them, i really have got to get that under control before they see it.

I stay out there a little longer before it gets chilly and by then no one got me and told me to come inside so I assumed they forgot about me, which is completely fine all the time at school, and I was partially right as they were all bundled up inside watching a movie, maybe I should just stay out here and freeze to death I'm sure no one would mind. I rolled away from the window before someone saw me. I knew this would happen, eventually. It's only been a day though, which makes me kind of sad. They had already forgotten me, but that's just life. It was around 6 am before I heard the door open and I know what you're thinking. Why not just go inside yourself? Well, the doorknob and door bell were too high for my wheelchair to reach. Anyway, I was freezing to death and was about to fall asleep, but I heard a gasp and saw Felix standing there, mouth open with a coffee in his hand. I wanted to laugh but was too tired to do anything, really. “You forgot something? Or should I say someone outside in the freezing cold with no way back inside while you watched a damn movie?!” I calmly yelled a bit at the end, but all that did was make me dizzy. I rolled past his shocked self and went inside as the door was open.

I rolled past Simon and everyone who tried to touch me and went straight to my room and locked the door while putting a chair under it. I ignore the shouts of my name and hop up the best I could on my bed and just snuggle into the blankets and just lay there. For how long I do not know, but somehow they had opened my door even with the chair. Maybe that doesn't work like the movies I've seen. But I feel someone's arms around me and pretend to be asleep as their arms wrap around me and I feel them turn me over and face them. I open my eyes a little to see Benji. He looks at me with soft eyes and then says, “I'm sorry we had forgotten you it was the first time someone was in our house besides us, we're so sorry but we would like you to come eat at the table with us, it's been about three days since you've moved or eaten and that's not healthy for a little bear like yourself. So please come eat beautiful.” He says, not moving. I move around a little before saying, “You look very handsome and how could I say no to such a pretty boy.” and he melts at my words and picks me up. “And a strong one too!” I say as I see him melt again. He takes me and my wheelchair out and I pull my hood down so no one sees how terrible I look. 

I hug Mr Snickers as I'm rolled to the table where a plate full of things is here waiting for me. But I'm scared till Simon takes my fork and feeds me till the plate is gone. What shocked me is when he tried to take my hood off, which I held onto desperate for anyone to not see the mess underneath it. They look at me and one who I think is Blake says, “Cmon, sweetheart, let's see that pretty face. We don't care what you look like right now or ever. You're still just as beautiful.” He says, picking me up and setting me on his lap on the couch. I felt sleepy because of all the sleepless nights catching up to me and I just relaxed beneath him and before I fell asleep I heard, “Sweet Dreams baby.” and I was out.

Till next chapter!

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