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The graduation at Valor was painful and awkward. No one but a measly few had sent their well-wishes and their goodbyes and the rest had simply forgotten. But, I couldn't care less as I threw all my belongings into luggage, a sense of urgency in my actions which resulted in a poorly looking pile of clothes in my bag.

The first who had noticed me leaving was Ka-en. It was months before I even fled but when he saw the black bag at the bedside of my dorm, he understood.

Ka-en Ciksura was a man born in the opposite standing to me. His hair pure white and was almost never tamed. His eyes held a determination that burned brightly that it nearly seared me when I met him. He was a small man, built with no muscles, but his lithe figure and beauty made up for it. In thanks and appreciation for him not saying a word, I went to his room first to send my goodbyes.

By the time I arrived in the hallway to his dorm, he was already there. I stood frozen for a moment then nodded to him. Ka-en held his head high, his posture immaculate as he nodded back solemnly. For a moment, I almost believed he was meant to say something before he briskly walked towards me and patted my shoulder.

And that was all I needed to understand that he had given his goodbye. I entrusted Ka-en to send word to our friends of my leaving. He was allowed to spin whatever lies he deemed fit in my absence, I knew he would never slander my name.

I glanced behind me before turning my back and running. Shame and embarrassment bubbling in me as I realized how much of a coward's route I was truly taking as I fled the grounds of the school without reason or warning. The flowers that were thrown around the graduation ceremony all swirl around me, I notice it is a dark crimson color, classic rose petals flitting about.

In the end, I did the only thing I truly knew how to. I ran.

I ran as far away as I could back into my home country, back into the safety of the heat I grew up in, back into the arms of the country I once thought to be my prison and I never looked back.

It is not until two summers later that I see a flash of red hair frolicking in the streets of the marketplace that I come into contact with someone from Valor.

Alcina is all edges, her figure is captivating and she knows it. She greets me with a sharp smile, and a hint of mischief in her eyes that is so very familiar that I get nostalgia from seeing it.

Alcina originates from the Philippines as I did. She , on the other hand, grew up in Spain instead. It shows in the way she scrunches her face up as she tries to decipher what the barista just asked her in Tagalog, it shows in the way she carries herself as if she is foreign, and it shows in the way she speaks; broken and barely understandable Tagalog.

We walk around the town, her hair covering her face as we talk about everything and nothing.

"What do you do for a living, Alcina? I imagine you have a good paying job now."

"It's rather boring. I'm just here for vacation. What do you do?" I don't miss the way she deflects the question, her fingers twitching slightly around a now empty coffee cup. I eye the expensive diamond ring on her finger and the gold necklaces that definitely must've cost a fortune but I don't push further.

"I work at a flower shop." Alcina snorts and rolls her eyes.

"I knew it was going to be something like that. You're always so obvious about your job preferences, Amanda"

Amanda. It is strange to be called by that name again. No one in the town knows it and I doubt anyone in the town ever will. The name is reserved for people in an era of my life I left behind. I shiver slightly despite it being a good 36 degrees. If Alcina notices my sudden quietness, she does not comment.

I find comfort in her company, she doesn't push and in return I do the same.

When Alcina announces that she will be leaving the morning after tomorrow, I give her a singular Poppy. I watch her closely as sadness and understanding flash through her eyes as she accepts the flower.


Flowers featured and their meanings:
Acacia (The banner for this chapter) means beauty in retirement, friendship, concealed love, and Chaste love. I found this fitting for this chapter as Amanda's two friends are featured here (The friendship part). The other meanings *are* relevant as well but that's just spoiling you guys if I explain any further.

Dark Crimson Rose (At the Graduation Ceremony) means mourning and loss. 

Poppy (The gift Amanda gives to Alcina before she leaves) means consolation. 

Flowers have different meanings wherever you go, I simply took some from a few websites and because I am aware that flowers can mean anything, I will include what the flowers mean for me in this story in the author's note so keep a look out.

Do all these flowers have vague spoilers? Yes. <33

You should be grateful I even tell you the meanings I have for them HAHA

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