One year anniversary(Special!)

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*3rd POV*

"Love.." Dazai groaned, shaking Chuuya who was covering his ears with a pillow. "Darling... your son's crying.. Go get him.." Dazai said, yawning in the process. "My son?! He's yours when it's night! We agreed on that! I take care of him during the day and you take care of him at night, that was the deal!" Chuuya yelled, throwing the pillow in his hands at Dazai making him yelp. "Ow! Ugh fine but don't expect him to stop crying because he likes you more." Dazai yawned once more before standing up and heading to the room next door. There Kaira was crying in his crib, Dazai sighed walking towards the crying baby. "It's okay Kaira, no scary bad men are in here. I know it's hard to sleep in your own room but you have to get used to it.." Dazai said walking out of Kairas room into the kitchen to make his bottle. Kaira had stopped crying now just pulling Dazai's hair. "Ow, Ow! Kaira doesn't pull daddy's hair okay? Your bottles are almost done.." Dazai said, trying to ignore the pain from the constant hair pulling. "See? Now you know how it feels." Chuuya chuckled, walking towards the two taking Kaira out of Dazai's grasp. "Yeah but it's different for you! You're into it!" Dazai pouted and finished the bottle, giving it to Chuuya. Chuuya sent him a glare and snatched the bottle from the brunette walking back to Kairas room. Dazai yawned, going to his and Chuuya's room, letting Chuuya put Kaira to sleep. After a few minutes, Chuuya had come back to their room almost tripping with the lights off dropping right on top of Dazai. "Ow." Dazai mumbled into the pillow while Chuuya just rolled into his spot grabbing the blanket to cover himself. "Babe, do you know what's coming up?" Chuuya said seeing Dazai turn to meet Chuuya's ocean blue eyes. "Um let's see, Kairas birthday was just two weeks ago so uh.."Dazai turned to lay on his back now ignoring the blue eyes that were staring right at him. "Um, care to give me a hint of my love?" Dazai nervously chuckled, turning to the now angered ginger. "Tch. What did I expect from you." Chuuya clicked his tongue, turning his back towards Dazai. "I'm just joking my love, I know what's coming up." Dazai softly chuckled, grabbing Chuuya's shoulder to make him face him. "Really? Then what's coming up Osamu?" Chuuya smugly said, wrapping his arms around Dazai's neck. "Our one year anniversary of us getting married is coming up." Dazai said with a small smile planting a small kiss on Chuuya's lips. "Oh wow you remembered, but what you didn't remember was that I don't like pecks." Chuuya smirked, pulling Dazai down into a passionate kiss.

The next morning Dazai was just laying on the couch at the Ada when Kunikida stormed in. "Dazai! Get off your butt and start working!" Kunikida yelled, hitting Dazai in the head with his notebook. "Ow! Kunikida, have you seen Atsushi? He's supposed to be here by now." Dazai said, sitting up while rubbing the back of his head. "Atsushi? He's out on a mission with Kyouka and Tanizaki. Why?" Kunikida said, fixing his glasses. "No reason, what were you saying about work?" Dazai said completely changing the subject. "Hmph. Like you'll do it either way. I need your report on how you were able to make the suspect talk." Kunikida finished handing Dazai a sheet of paper. Dazai blinked at Kunikida before looking at the paper confused. "Sorry Kunikida but you lost me at the report." Dazai said with a sly smirk on his face. "WHY YOU-"

Chuuya had just gotten home from grocery shopping to be met with a huge mess all around the house. He saw three heads pop up from behind the couch. He saw Gin and Tachiharas face covered in makeup while Kaira had all the makeup on his hands. Chuuya pulled out his phone taking a quick picture before sighing and taking his shoes off. "You guys look great but my house doesn't. You guys better start cleaning." Chuuya snickered, putting the bags in the kitchen. "Yes Chuuya.." The two said putting Kaira in his baby chair. Chuuya brought out wipes to give to them to wipe their faces off while he wiped Kairas hands. "I left you guys here to babysit Kaira so I don't have to hear his crying every time I pass a candy section. Who's idea was it to let Kaira anywhere near make-up?" Chuuya said, staring at the two for an explanation. "Chuuya, your son is crazy alright. He can run like an absolute track star! I don't even know if that's normal for a one year old!" Tachihara yelled out, staring at the track star in question who only giggled at the mention. "See?! He's even giggling! He must have got all his plotting from his father!" Tachihara complained now hiding behind Gin. "He's a little devil but me and him get along well." Gin started making Chuuya just chuckle. "What's going on here?" Dazai entered the kitchen after placing his coat on the rack and placing his shoes in their normal spot. "Your son is becoming quite like you! He may look like Chuuya but he's has your smarts it's terrifying!" Tachihara yelled, gripping onto Gin still. "Is that so? Well he had to get something from me if it's not look~" Dazai smirked, now cooing at Kaira. Chuuya just rolled his eyes telling Gin and Tachihara to clean the mess the three had made. "Even if he barely turned one he's still a chaotic child. I think he's more of Chuuyas son than mine.." Dazai pouted now feeding Kaira. "What are you trying to get at bastard." Chuuya growled smacking Dazai in the head with a roll of paper towels. "Oh right, isn't your guy's anniversary tomorrow? What are you guys gonna do? Me and Gin are free tomorrow so we can babysit Kaira again." Tachihara started folding the blankets that were on the floor. Chuuya and Dazai looked at each other then back at Tachihara and Gin. "I'm not sure what we'll do but I'll take the offer. I should really start paying you guys." Chuuya sighed walking out of the kitchen with a glass of wine. "You should, it feels like whenever you go to the grocery store or on a mission it takes an eternity." Tachihara groaned, wiping the last drawing Kaira had made on the wall. "Maybe I just take forever because I don't want to go home yet you never know." Chuuya smirked, sitting down on the couch, having the feeling of satisfaction go over him as he heard Tachihara gasp. "I'm your best friend, and you betray me like this??" Tachihara held his chest dramatically, falling into Chuuya's lap. "It's the fact you're my best friend that you should understand how hard it is living with those two. Especially being the only grown up in the house." Chuuya said with a blank face looking down at Tachihara who just chuckled. "Hey I'm grown up!" Dazai pouted from the entrance of the living room holding Kaira in his arms. "Mhm. In what universe." Chuuya rolled his eyes, drinking the last of his wine as Tachihara had gotten off of him to help Gin put the toys away. "How cruel of you my love." Dazai pouted now, putting the sleeping child in his crib. He walked over to Chuuya who was now finished with his wine while watching tv. He sat next to the ginger still in his work clothes. He tried pulling Chuuya over towards him but Chuuya rejected his advances. "Alright Chuuya we're all done." Tachihara said with a small grin on his face as Gin just nodded. "Okay Thank you for taking care of Kaira today. I guess I'll have to start paying you guys from now on." Chuuya chuckled, noticing that Tachihara had a bit of makeup on his right cheek. "Tachihara, you still have make up on your right cheek." Chuuya said pointing to the spot throwing Tachihara a wipe. "Huh where? Did I get it?" Tachihara asked wiping his left not his right cheek. "Tachihara you idiot. The other cheek." Chuuya clicked his tongue watching Tachihara groan and wipe the right cheek but still not getting the spot. "There?" Chuuya rolled his eyes looking over at Gin as she was just laughing at Tachiharas stupidity. "Gin, can you help him get the spot? It's pissing me off that this idiot is known as my best friend." Chuuya snarled leaning back on the couch. "Sure." Gin wiped the makeup off shoving the wipe in Tachiharas face. "Ow! That hurt Gin. Ah, it's almost seven. Gin, you still have that date with Higuchi remember?" Tachihara said taking a glance at the clock. "Oh crap you're right." Gin said looking for her bag. "Wait, Gin finally gained the confidence to ask Higuchi out?!" Chuuya said almost in disbelief. "Actually... Higuchi asked Gin out." Tachihara snickered remembering the night Gin had came rushing into his apartment to tell him the news out of excitement. Even if it was three in the morning.

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