Part 13

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*Time skip*
"Ngh." Chuuya groaned as the pain in his stomach hurt more than usual.
"I guess it's fine because he's due in three weeks!" Chuuya said to himself as he smiled down at his stomach as it was already at nine months.
"My love~! Look at how your stomach has grown! We're going to see our little boy!" Dazai said behind Chuuya as he hugged him from behind.
"Yeah.. I'm actually quite excited to raise him.." Chuuya said as he touched Dazai's hand locking their fingers together.
"Yeah me too! What should we name him? Even after nine months we still haven't chosen a name for him yet." Dazai said as he turned Chuuya around as they fingers were still locked together.
"Well it's gonna have to sound nice because it's last name is Dazai." Chuuya said smiling as he let go of Dazai's hand and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Hm..Kaira maybe?"
"Jesus nothing sounds good with your last name other than Osamu." Chuuya sighed as he layed in Dazai's lap as they sat down.
"Chuuya Dazai sounds pretty good to me." Dazai said as he smiled down at Chuuya as Chuuya had no reaction.
"No it doesn't. Nakahara is better. Like Osamu Nakahara." Chuuya smirked up at Dazai as he looked surprised but then he had a smile on his face.
"Yeah.. Your last name would actually sound pretty good on me. Maybe Kaira?" Dazai said as he kissed up on Chuuya's face.
"Haha, Then Kaira?" Chuuya laughed as he sat on Dazai's lap.
"Yeah. Sounds pretty good to me." Dazai smiled at Chuuya as he kissed him passionately.
"I love you My love." Dazai said as he let go from the kiss as he laid his head on Chuuya's shoulder.
"I love you too Osamu." Chuuya ran his fingers through Dazai's hair as Dazai just smiled brightly.

Chuuya awaken from his slumber with tears in his eyes as he was reminded he wasn't with Dazai anymore. Reminded he has to leave his baby in Mori's care and leave with the devil. Chuuya looked to his right to see Lindsey. He looked at her in disgust as he tried to get up.
Something started pouring down his pants as the pain was immaculate.
"NNGH!" Chuuya bent down holding his stomach as he yelled out painful groans.
"W..What?! It's not due in t-three weeks?!" Chuuya yelled as he woke Lindsey up.
"Your water broke! Let's go Chuuya, I guess we can leave earlier than expected!" Lindsey said in an excited tone as she tried to get Chuuya to the hospital.

"Dazai-San!" Aktugawa called the agency.
"What's going on Aktugawa?! Is there something wrong?!" Dazai yelled into the phone as it was on speaker and everyone was surrounding it.
"Chuuya-San is going into labor! You have to launch the attack soon or we'll never get him back!" Aktugawa yelled into the phone as everyone's eyes widened.
"SON OF A BITCH WHAT THE FUCK?!" Chuuya yelled from the operation room as Aktugawa was just right outside.
"Oh Chuuya.." Dazai sighed as he continued to cuss from the other end of the line.
"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY THE FUCK DOES IT HURT?! HOLY MOTHER OF FUCKING GOD!" Chuuya kept cussing as everyone just stayed silent waiting for Aktugawa to say something.
"..We have to launch the attack. If we don't we'll never see him again." Aktugawa said as Chuuya cussed in the background.
"Right. We'll get him back no matter what. I'm not letting anyone touch my son nor my Chuuya." Dazai said as he stood up as everyone else agreed.
"Good. Now I'll-"
"Who you talking to Aktugawa~?" Lindsey's voice appeared as Everyone stayed quiet.
"L-Lindsey. I'm talking to the refugee I told to get Chuuya a surprise gift like you told me to." Aktugawa said plainly as everyone stayed quiet.
"Oh alright! It better be good or it's your life~ Bye~!" Lindsey skipped off into the room and Aktugawa let out a sigh.
"I'm sorry. I have to go now. Please get here soon."

'I'm going to save you my love I promise. But I'm also sorry because I promised that I would stop cutting myself but without you I feel empty.. so I did it again.. it dripped down my arms as I showered. The blood flowing down the drain as the water hit my arms ... I'm sorry..'

As Chuuya laid in bed crying silently knowing he won't even be able to see his son as the doctors took him away.
"Chuuya. Stop being such a child. Stop crying." Lindsey demanded giving Chuuya a cold stare.
"..I..just wanted to hold him once.. even a glance at his face would've been nice.." Chuuya sobbed as he turned away from Lindsey.
"That bastard left you four years ago! Why are you obsessed with him?!"
"Because I love him! He came back! He actually treats me right! He never left me again, he always tries his best to please me, he remembers all my favorites, he's the father of my son goddamn it!" Chuuya yelled back as tears streamed down his face.
"There's an attack! Executives make your way to the main building at the front gate! There is an attack!"
"Attack..?" Lindsey said as alarms blared.
"Shit! Who's attacking now?!" Chuuya yelled out as Lindsey went outside to talk to the guards.
"Make sure he doesn't escape! I'm going to check this out since I'm an executive!" Lindsey said to the guards as they nodded and she ran out.
'I'm weak. But I can still make my way to Kaira. I need to knock these guys out.' Chuuya thought of a plan in his head as he looked to his right to see the support stand left for him. He looked at it than at the guards. He slowly took out his needle and walked over to his support stand. He picked it up and brought it over his shoulders as he slowly approached the guards. He whacked both in the head causing them to bleed internally.
"Ah shit. Um.. I wasn't here." Chuuya said as he saw blood on the floor and just walked away.
"Shit. Where's Kaira?!" Chuuya began to run looking for the nursery. Chuuya ran around the private hospital looking for his son.
"Ah! Nursery!" Chuuya yelled out in relief as he ran in.
"Kaira!" Chuuya ran over to Kaira as he was sleeping peacefully in his crib.
"Mama's got you.." Chuuya said as he touched Kaira's face with a saddened smile on his face.
"Ack!" Chuuya shielded Kaira with his body as he fell.
"Who the hell is attacking?! Ugh it doesn't matter we have to leave!" Chuuya immediately got up as he grabbed another blanket as he wrapped Kaira up.
Chuuya ran across the hospital carefully holding Kaira in his arms making sure he makes no noise.
"What do you mean he escaped?!" Chuuya heard a echo so he hid just in case.
"I..I'm sorry sir! He hit us in the head with his support stand from behind!"
"Ugh! We're so dead if he escapes! Especially with the Detective agency outside!"
"The agency..?" Chuuya whispered to himself as his eyes widened as he checked if the coast was clear. He got back up running.
'Why is the agency here?! Aren't they mad that I dumped Dazai? And why are they attacking..?' Chuuya kept thinking of scenarios on why the agency was here.
"We have to find Chuuya-San! These explosions are going to hurt him!" Aktugawa yelled out as there was clacking.
"Aktugawa..? Aktugawa! What's going on?!" Chuuya yelled out to Aktugawa as he turned around.
"Chuuya-San! Are you alright?!" Aktugawa ran towards Chuuya as he stood up holding Kaira.
"How are you here?! Weren't you locked up in a hospital room?! Is that..?" Aktugawa was quite worried that he didn't see Kaira in Chuuya's arms.
"I knocked my guards out and ran to find him." Chuuya chuckled nervously as Aktugawa just looked at him surprised.
"Aktugawa..What's going on? Why's the agency here?" Chuuya asked Aktugawa looked confused at him.
"Chuuya-San. Don't tell me you don't know why there here."
"I don't, that's why I asked you."
Aktugawa just sighed as he face palmed.
"Chuuya-San. They've been planning to save you and your baby since the beginning. They found out the truth the day after you broke up with Dazai-San."
"W..What?? How..?!" Chuuya said loudly making Aktugawa jump.
"Ah. Sorry.. But they shoul-"
"AGH!" Aktugawa grabbed Chuuya and Kaira covering both of them.
"We have to go Chuuya-San. The others got a car ready for you. We have to leave NOW!" Aktugawa said as he picked Chuuya and Kaira up as Chuuya was lost.
"I-I'm not leaving if you guys are staying!" Chuuya yelled out struggling against Aktugawa as he was dragging him.
"Chuuya-San! Stop! We're going with you just please cooperate!" Aktugawa said as he grabbed both of Chuuya's shoulders.
"A-Alright!" Chuuya smiled brightly as his eyes were watering.
"Let's get going Chuuya-San." Aktugawa gave Chuuya a relieving smile as they continued to run.

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