Chapter 4: The Next Queen

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You wait until Bean is sound asleep, before climbing out, of the bed. You put on your boots as quietly as possible. You exit the room and close the door. ''Where do I go now?'' you ask yourself. You look around the dark, long hallways. You go around the castle until you reach a room. There's a ball in the middle of the table. You've seen one of these before. You want it to ask something, but you don't know what to ask. You sigh and ask: ''Am I in love with Dagmar?'' This question has been haunting you ever since you came here. The ball clouds up for a moment before the text appears: ''The truth is closer than you think.''

''What the hell is that supposed to mean?!'' right now you're pissed. ''Did I sleep with Dagmar?'' maybe this wasn't the best room to come to. ''No,'' the text appeared once again. You sigh in relief. Shit, you forgot to call your mother. You take off the medallion and whisper a spell. The necklace lights on fire and your mother's face appears.

''Hello, Marceline,'' you know that she's in a meeting because otherwise, she would call you by your nickname, ''why didn't you call me earlier?''

''I'm sorry, I was busy,'' you apologize, ''I can call later, I know you're in a meeting.''

''It's okay, Marci,'' she says, ''I left the room.''

''Once again, I'm sorry, I just have busy and-,'' sometimes, you start rambling. It's a thing that you hate about yourself.

''Marci, I understand,'' she gives you a generous smile, ''this is your first mission, everybody forgets about family and Hell when you're in a brand new setting.'' Your mother is known as the cruellest woman in all of Hell, but she's not cruel, to you. You got into a lot of trouble back at Hell, but your mother understood.

''I will never forget you, mother,'' you say from the heart.

''Oh, my dear, everybody forgets their parents,'' she tells you, ''the important thing is that you never forget yourself.'' You usually hate speeches like this, but your mother does it so well.

''Just remember why you're there,'' she says, ''some demons love it there so much, they stay. I don't know what I would do if you ever do that. You must become queen soon.''

''Mother, you're still young, there's no need for me to be queen,'' you insist.

''Marceline, demons do not get older physically, but they do get older emotionally. A great ruler must be cruel and cold, but I've gone soft. I cannot make any more important decisions, because I think with my heart. When you get back, we're having a sacrificial ceremony,'' she explains to you.

''But, I don't know how to be a queen,'' you have tears in your eyes, ''and I've already gone soft''

''Marci, you are soft with me, and that is okay,'' she says, ''you must be soft with the people you are the closest with, but tough with strangers.'' She smiles at you: ''I have seen you out there, you are strong and a fierce fighter. The finest swordswoman in the underworld. You destroyed everybody that said you could not do it. You will be fine.'' She always makes you feel better.

''Okay, I best go, mother,''

''Of course, Marceline, go do your duties,'' she gives you the warmest smile.


''Aww, looks like Marci isn't that tough,'' Dagmar says, playing with the fire, ''find out what the ball means, now!'' The trøgs mumble something and go do their thing. ''I might not be the queen of Dreamland, but maybe I would rule Hell next to Marceline,'' she laughs.

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