Afterschool cafe

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The downtown cafe typically isn't very popular nor crowded. Just perfect for enjoying an early morning snack or a hot cup of coffee. Students often come down to the cafe for studying or hanging out with friends on a weekend.

'It's also a relaxing job. Which is why I chose it. However, I'm starting to regret choosing a place that puts me at risk of being seen by Mond high students'

Having a job whilst going to Mond high is against policies. So this job is putting me at risk. After all, I'm a student Council TTC but after all, I'm human and need money too. Well- that's more of just a sob story if I get caught. I work here cause I'm a closeted weeb- so I have to or want to make money to buy myself manga and figurines!

Plus who doesn't love having extra money to spend on their hobbies and unnecessary decor.

As I finish making a new pot of coffee I'm surprised to see the new student standing in front of the desk. "Ah, what can I get for you today? If you're not sure of what to buy I could help-"

'Please don't remember me '

Crossing my fingers in hope that Scaramouche doesn't remember me from school.

"Could I get a cup of coffee with light creamer? Along with 1 large cinnamon roll."

"Of course! Your order is number 5 and it will be done in just a few!" Chirping in relief that he doesn't seem to realize. "Thank you y/n," he says with a warm smile laced with venom.

You freeze, unable to form a response and not sure of his answer to the current situation.

"My my, I'm only 3 words in and you already look paler than a ghost, you know, when I was reading the rules paper you handed me I could have sworn that it said no jobs~"

At this point his smile makes him look like some kind of psycho- or a sadist.

"You hand those papers out to students with a confident and stern look, yet you still dare to break them~? Ohhhh how unfortunately fun"

"I'm sorry!! Please I beg of you, don't report me- I love being TTC!!" Begging with tears in the brim of your eyes.

"Hmmm, it will take a lot of convincing you know? Like doing all of my homework until I feel like sparing mercy"

He glares at you with such a sadistic and amused look. The homework part sounds awful- but it's whatever at this point.

"Deal." You say not looking the psychotic sadist in the eyes and continuing to make his order.

Blinded Love (Scaramouche x reader) Where stories live. Discover now