hospital crush

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'Around the time of the year when everyone is hanging their stockings, making fires for warmth, and putting up trees the school likes celebrating by decorating and having a fun and easy day.

Currently, it's 6:00 am which is quite early for anyone except teachers staff, and the student Council to be at school. So cold that even Scaramouche is shivering.

"SCARAMOUCHE COME HOLD THIS LADDER BEFORE I FALL" you shout while the ladder is moving and your hands are full of Christmas lights. To be exact a 5-pound box of them.

To your dismay, Scaramouche is nowhere in sight nor is anyone else.


The yells of everyone searching for you could be heard through your sleep. The ladder knocked you out when you fell and you've been covered under Christmas lights.

Eventually after an hour of searching someone steps on your hand which makes you yelp and sit up. "Oh uh- GUYS I FOUND HER" Your white-haired assistant shouts to the others as they all surround you.

Hair messy, tangled in Christmas lights, and a bloody face from a nosebleed. "Could someone take her to the clinic, please? " Jean asks trying to not sound rude or repulsed by the blood. No one wants to go near the blood.

Scaramouche walks into the school extremely off time and is shocked by the scene in front of him.

"What happened here? " he asks crouching down beside you and stepping in the blood puddle.

Everyone looks revolted but all shrug. "Could you take her to the clinic while we get a janitor?" Jean asks ever so relieved.

"Sure." He picks you up bridal style getting some blood on his face and shirt. "You guys owe me though" he smirks before walking off into the infirmary.


You thanked Scaramouche for carrying you and get up to look at yourself in the mirror. Everything is fine at first. Except for the bandage covering the left side of your face. Too grossed to look under it you just look around.

"Hey Scaramouche this doesn't look like the infirmary? " you question the raven-haired boy whos half asleep. "That's because it's a hospital," he answers trying to suppress his anger and hide something from you. "Huh? Why a hospital?" You ask before going back hurriedly into the bathroom to look at your face.

Upon taking the bandages off you notice a second layer that's covering your eye. No head injury. You rush over to Scaramouche again.

He looks worried and slightly grossed. Refusing to look you in the eye.

"Scaramouche?" You ask again knowing he knows what you're going to ask.

"Why are we in the hospital?"

"You uhm when you fell. Do you recall anything? " he counters your question before answering it. "No?, other than falling I've got no clue. "

"Well you fell onto the box corner and hit your eye pretty bad, he says looking away again. "We aren't sure if your eye is okay or not yet. That's why I've been here for the past 2 days" he says with a saddened look more worried to see your reaction.

"Ah I see, well either way even if I can't see out of the eye anymore I'll have a pretty sick scar! " you say trying to seem positive about the whole situation.

The boy is astounded by your unusual reaction yet also relieved by it. "Well glad to hear you're doing good. Please rest up for a few weeks. Each day a member of the Student Council will come and visit you. " he says reassuringly. "No" you simply reply with one word and a stubborn look.

"What do you mean n-"
"I'm going back to school today and that's official," you say taking all the medical equipment off of your body

And walking to the bathroom with a set of warm clothes from home that had been brought by Jean. "It's not my fault if you die or anything-" Scaramouche panickly says.

"I never said it was" you comment back from the bathroom.
Now walking out with an f/c sweater on, fixed hair, and a skirt with warm tights under it.

"You're a psychopath!!" the raven-haired boy with uncontrollable anger issues and is a sadist accuses.

"No, I'm just a different breed" you joke back. You yawn and walk out of the room to go buy a hot chocolate before you two leave the hospital.

That moment is when Scaramouche develops a slight crush on the crazy and strong girl.

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