chapter 2 - secret date

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why did i do that?! was it out of pity? or do i like her? no, definitely not. shes my friend. was it because i was scared of losing our friendship?

izuku was muttering, finding himself in front of katsukis dorm. he suddenly felt a dull pain in his chest. he sighed and hesitantly opened the door, quickly shutting it behind him. "finally, you took forever." he saw katsuki roll his eyes.

"yeah." he said nervously. katsuki raised a brow at him, "what happened with round face? you look nervous and pale." he asked, narrowing his eyes at izuku.

"uhm, nothing! let just do the english homework."

katsuki decided not to pry and nodded, patting the spot next to him. izuku smiled and happily sat down next to him, wishing he could have sat closer— wait no. i don't want to cuddle with kacchan!

katsuki chuckled, "you don't want to cuddle with me, deku?" izuku yelped, realizing he was muttering out loud. he flushed a light pink.

katsuki just laughed and guided izukus head onto his shoulder, izuku scooting closer to him. "that better?" katsuki asked. izuku nodded shyly on katsukis shoulder, gulping as he was really close to katsuki.

"y-yeah." izuku finally answered.

izuku woke up, snuggled into the warmth. he groaned and sat up, yawning. opening his eyes, he realized it wasn't his room. oh.. i slept in kacchans room.

he looked back on the bed, katsuki sleeping soundly, snoring. he blushed as he remembered cuddling with katsuki last night.

izuku laughed quietly at katsuki drooling slightly and grabbed his shoulder, shaking him lightly. he didn't want them to be late for school. "kacchan, wake up." he whispered. katsuki stayed in his place, not flinching. izuku sighed, "kacchan." he said in his normal voice. still nothing.


katsuki opened his eyes and replied groggily, "why are you yelling deku?"

"you wouldn't wake up. anyways, its time to get up and ready for school!" izuku smiled, jumping out of katsukis bed.

katsuki rolled over and grabbed his phone from his night stand, "shitty deku," he muttered, "its saturday."

izuku make an 'o' with his mouth. katsuki chuckled at his surprised face, opening his arms to izuku, "you were cuddling me last night, hurry up and do it again."

izuku giggled, "you like to cuddle me, kacchan?"

katsuki groaned, "just come here and be my pillow."

izuku smiled warmly and complied, climbing back into bed. katsuki still had his arms open so he plopped into them.

katsuki securely wrapped his arms around izuku and pulled him close into his chest.

a couple minutes later and they fell back asleep in each others arms.

izuku sat up quickly, getting startled from a pounding at the door. katsuki groaned and sat up as well. he expected it to be the friends he calls idiots, but he opened the door to see uraraka, a pissed off expression on her face. "round face," he muttered, still half asleep, "what do you want?"

"is deku-kun here? he said he would go to the movies with me, but he hasn't answered.." she said, now nervous.

katsuki was now fully awake at that sentence, izuku never told him he was going to the movies today. "uh—"

izuku popped out suddenly, pushing katsuki away from the door with a forced smile on his face. "uraraka! so sorry! i was sleeping in kacchans room since studying got me tired." he made up an excuse quickly, and she bought it. "its ok deku-kun! just tell me when your ready to go!" she blushed seeing izuku with bed head and a sleepy expression on his face. "sure thing."
then he closed the door as she walked away. he sighed, turning to face katsuki who had his arms crossed.

"why didn't you tell me you shithead?"

"im sorry kacchan, it slipped my mind." izuku mumbled, leaning his forehead on katsukis chest, yawning. "i don't wanna leave." he whined.

katsuki sighed and pulled izuku into a hug, running a hand up and down his back. "ya know you don't have to go if you don't want to. you don't have to please everyone all the time." katsuki whispered.

izuku knew what katsuki meant, but katsuki didnt know that this was actually a date.

uraraka was a dear friend of his, and he didn't want her to feel dejected because of him, and he didn't want to lose their friendship just because he didn't accept her confession.

"i know, but i said i would. i'm going to go get ready." izuku smiled and walked out, "bye kacchan!"

katsuki sighed as soon as izuku was gone. he was disappointed that izuku couldn't stay so he could make them both breakfast or lunch. he had a hunch that izuku wasn't telling the full truth, but he knew izuku didn't have to tell him everything. he wished izuku did, but its not his place to pry into his private life.

katsuki had come to terms with his feelings. he liked izuku, very much. he was in denial for a while now, he never thought he was gay. when he thought about it, he's never been attracted to girls. he was open about being gay, but if you didn't ask him then he wasn't going to tell you.

he made his way downstairs, going to make breakfast for himself.

izuku frantically looked through his closet, picking out something casual and comfy. a knock was heard at his door. perfect timing!

he checked himself in the mirror once more before opening the door, seeing his friend blushing and nervously shuffling on her feet.
shes blushing and is clearly nervous..
does that mean she actually likes me?! what do i do?!

uraraka smiled at izuku, "are you ready?" she asked. izuku nodded and locked his door before leaving.

they walked down the hall and downstairs, everyone staring at them. "where are you guys going?" mina asked smirking. uraraka blushed even more, "n-no where! just to the movies."

"i'm gonna go get some water before we go." izuku said, knowing katsuki would be in there. uraraka nodded.

"kacchan!" izuku exclaimed, walking into the kitchen. katsuki turned around with his apron on, "hah? what are you still doing here deku?" he asked, glaring at him slightly. izuku fake frowned, "you don't want me here?"

katsuki chuckled, "i do. but you're the one who is coming to say bye to me for the third time."

izuku felt his face redden, "whatever," he muttered.

"its like you don't want to leave my side." katsuki teased, turning back around so he didn't burn his food.

"kacchan, don't tease me."

"deku-kun? we are gonna be late!"

"ok, then ill see you later kacchan!" and with that uraraka and izuku were out the door.

1145 words (unedited)

i'm going to be posting one chapter every day <3

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