chapter 7 - katsuki

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quick footsteps were coming towards the kitchen, making izuku and katsuki look at each other. they silently translated to each other that they didn't want anyone finding out about their.. "relationship" yet.

izuku and katsuki quickly pulled away from each other, izuku pretending to search for something while katsuki went back to washing dishes like nothing happened.

kirishima came walking into the kitchen, "hey bakugou! midoriya!" he smiled widely, his sharp teeth showing. izuku smiled back, "hey kirishima."

katsuki just scoffed and never turned around to greet kirishima. "bro, what you doin' tonight?" kirishima asked while he threw his arm over katsukis shoulder. izuku couldn't help but get a prick of jealousy up his spine at the contact between the two.

"tch, i'm helping deku with his english since he sucks at it." katsuki grumbled, quickly making up an excuse. everyone knew they hung out more over the years, so it was believable.

"oh, ok! i was just asking because mina said something about 'playing games all night long' or something."

izuku perked up at this, glancing over to katsuki and ignoring the very clear 'don't you dare' face. "its ok! i can do my english another time! me and kacchan will be happy to join you guys for games tonight." izuku butt into the conversation. kirishima turned around and gave a thumbs up. "ok! then its all settled! ill see ya guys tonight." he then ran out of the kitchen.

katsuki looked over his shoulder and glared at izuku, who was avoiding eye contact while smiling knowingly.

what izuku and katsuki didn't know, was that this was all apart of some master plan the bakusquad put together.

(btw, katsuki hasn't told them what has been going on with izuku. all they know is that katsuki likes izuku)

they all sat around the lounge, huddled together so no one else could hear them. mina called an emergency meeting, and she said it was about bakudeku. yes, she came up with the name.

"ok, i called you all here today because i have a plan." mina whispered to everyone.

sero glanced at her, "is it something crazy like last time?"

"oh come on! i only pranked... ok ok, whatever. its nothing crazy!" mina rolled her eyes.

"ok, we're listening."

"so, games tonight, right? seven minutes in heaven with midoriya and bakugou. boom! they get together!" mina exclaimed.


"whats wrong with my plan now?!" mina frowned.

"well, bakugou doesn't have the balls to do that, and izuku doesn't either. so it would be just them talking in the closet with awkward tension." kirishima sighed, everyone agreeing.

"fine! any other ideas then?!"

"ya know, we could just ask midoriya who he likes." denki shrugged. sero blinked, "wow, you came up with a good idea!" denki pouted at that.

"sounds good, but whats the back up plan? you guys know how shy midoriya comes when talking about crushes." kirishima asked. it was silent as they were all brainstorming for ideas.

"how about we tell bakugou before anything happens so he can be prepared to confess?" sero suggested.

"mmmm, maybe."

"yeah, but he does act good off of impulse and instincts instead of being prepared all the time."

"but thats in battle, not in a relationship!"

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