chapter 6 - i'm yours, and you're mine

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izuku was undeniably nervous. he knew this would hurt uraraka badly.

he finally got done eating, katsuki already done with his food so he got up and took their bowls. "ill clean up."

izuku smiled, "thank you kacchan." katsuki just nodded, "i know you'll be fine deku. sure it will hurt uraraka, but its the right thing to do." izuku gulped, "ok.. ill be back in a little." katsuki then went into the kitchen to clean.

"deku-kun? are you free right now?" uraraka shuffled up to him as he was getting up from the table. "yeah, lets talk right now." izuku sighed. uraraka smiled and nodded.

when they made it there she closed the door behind them, izuku standing awkwardly in the middle of her room. "deku-kun—"

"please uraraka, let me talk first." izuku cut her off, she nodded. "i don't want anyone to feel hurt in this situation, but its inevitable." he sighed, uraraka was now extremely nervous. "when you asked me out, i could see how excited you were. i didn't want you to feel hurt or sad, so i said yes. it was wrong of me, because.. i don't like you like that. i like you as a friend. i recently figured out.. uh.. i'm questioning my sexuality, and that i like someone else." izuku looked down, ashamed and not wanting to see her broken face.


he flinched slightly at how much hurt was in her voice. "i'm really really sorry uraraka! i shouldn't have led you on.."

"..i- its ok. you shouldn't have said yes but i understand you were conflicted and didn't know what to do. i-its just.. did you ever like me?" uraraka asked, tears building in her eyes. izuku just shook his head no, not looking up at her. she breathed out, blinking so she didn't mess up her makeup.

"its bakugou, isn't it?" izuku snapped his head up at her words, a tiny sad smile on her lips.

"yes," he whispered, "its him. it always has been."

"but please forgive me uraraka. i want to continue our friendship, because you are very dear to me. you've been there for me through everything." izuku pleaded.

uraraka sighed, "of course i can forgive you deku-kun, but i can't just forget. i need some time, but yes, i want to continue our friendship like it was before." she smiled slightly. izuku came up to her and hugged her tightly, and immediately she hugged back, stuffing her face in his chest. they stayed like that for a little, before uraraka pulled back. "you should go, he's probably waiting for you."

izuku smiled warmly, "yeah. ill see you later."

"how'd it go deku?" katsuki asked as izuku was coming into the kitchen. "she was obviously sad.. but she forgave me and said she still wanted to be friends." izuku smiled, happy it was all settled. katsuki turned off the sink and dried his hands before turning to face izuku with a smirk, "so i can do anything i want to you now?"

izuku blushed and fiddled with his fingers as katsuki walked over to him and lifted his chin up. "only if you want to.." izuku muttered.

"i kissed you earlier, you don't think i want you?" katsuki murmured and leaned in closer.

"i want you to kiss me again.."

"do you now?"


katsuki chuckled and leaned down, pressing his lips against izukus. he was listening for any footsteps just incase anyone decided to come into the kitchen.

izuku kissed back immediately, feeling shivers go up his spine as katsukis hand cupped his cheek and the other squeeze his hip. he wanted to take it further, so he slowly opened his mouth for katsuki.

katsuki caught on and opened his mouth as well, his tongue plunging into izukus mouth. izuku moaned gently at katsukis warm tongue teasing his own tongue. he moved his tongue around katsukis, swirling it around. he was inexperienced, so it was sloppy and he didn't know what to do, but he just followed katsuki.

katsuki was experienced actually, having already lost his virginity. he lost his virginity a year ago with a girl named cami. they met at the license test in his 1st year and met up in 2nd year. from there on he had some one night stands with guys and girls, but not often. none of it was ever serious though.

katsuki pulled his tongue back, seeing if izuku would follow. izuku did, and moved his tongue into katsuki mouth. katsuki softly sucked on izukus tongue, making him moan into katsukis mouth while his erection twitched slightly.

they both pulled back for air, saliva connecting their lips.

"i can tell you've never kissed anyone except me." katsuki said, opening his eyes. izuku did the same, "yeah.. i haven't kissed anyone except you."

"good. keep it that way."

izuku blushed slightly at katsukis words, smiling too. "why should i?" he teased.

katsuki looked down at izuku, pulling him closer by his hips. "because you're mine now."

"i'm yours?"

katsuki nodded, "mmm hmm."

"does that mean you're mine too?" izuku grinned and put his arms around katsukis shoulders, pulling him down. their faces inches apart.

"if you want me to be yours, i will be."

"do you want to be mine?"

"well no shit.. do you think i would kiss you if i didn't?"

izuku looked to the side, embarrassed blush on his cheeks, "i can never be sure with you, kacchan."

"you can be sure now. i'm yours and you're mine."

izuku smiled and connecting their lips in a short and sweet kiss that filled both of their hearts will warmth.

976 words (unedited)

i dont know what to do for my next
bakudeku/dekubaku story😭 so, any requests?

like omegaverse, regular high school, any AU's yall want!

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