Chapter 4

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I waltzed into school, still thinking about yesterday, and those eyes. and oddly, how Lucas managed to get a red dress, heels and flower from a store without looking completely like a idiot. I was not happy either. A group of younger boys decided it would be funny to chuck some weird looking liquid over my car, which i dodged just before it hit my car. My poor beetle was covered in the goo... 

I swiftly moved to my locker, opening it and pulling out my leather jacket and grabbing my books. As i closed it again, i noticed a little post-it note on the door. Picking it up, it read:

Nice dancing last night. You looked beautiful.

Danny. X

I couldn't speak. I was in shock. I didn't think he liked me. Why did he like me? he'd never noticed me in school before. I couldn't like him. It's wrong. Numerous thoughts filled my head. Then i noticed someone watching me, so i turned, and came face to face with Lucas. 

"What's the meaning of this Lucas?!" I said annoyed.

"What? The message from Danny? I just wanted to see your face. It wasn't from Danny, It was from me. Your face was priceless!" He laughed. That made me so mad. I wanted to slash out his insides for messing my heart about like that. 

"Oh my god! What the hell?! I hate you right now!" i shouted, slamming my locker and marching down the corridor.

"Whoa Lexi calm down, i didn't mean to be mean! I just thought it was funny! I'm sorry. I don't know why your getting so worked up over this"He grumbled. 

"Im not getting worked up!" i complained. 

"Is this our first fight? Are we fighting?" he teased, making me smile a little. "Ah ha! There was a smile! That was a smile! I'm forgiven!" he announced. 

"Fine, your forgiven. Happy Now?"  I laughed. 

He walked with me until he reached his English class, and then I walked alone, out onto the field, to go to extra PE with the boys of the school, since i was missing out on Pe anyway. 


I walked out the changing rooms, and into the main hall with the boys and Coach Davids waiting. Sitting on the bench, i tiredly listened to coach giving instructions and where to run and what we were doing in lesson, which i didn't really care about, i'd just follow what the boys did. Everyone started to get up, and i copied, breaking into a jog after the boys onto the field. The boys knew now that i could whip their asses at everything, so none were fussed when i overtook them, and ran with a decent distance between me and the second guy. 

When i finished the jog, Coach was stood shaking his head in the direction of the boys.

"It's pitiful how slow they run, hey Coach?" I laughed, breathing heavily from the run.

"Sometimes I wish that you were on the football team instead of them.." he sighed, turning to face me. "But then I realise, you would kick their asses so bad that we would look like we cheated" He chuckled, before turning back and blowing his whistle loudly to shout at the stragglers still running round. I noticed the new boy glaring at me. After he saw me notice, he approached me.

"You don't belong here, this here is a boy's class" he sneered. My amused face slowly moved to a smirk. 

"I do believe on the timetable it's a 'Advanced Physical Education' lesson. Therefore, show me the part where it state only males are allowed in this class? And, from the look of you running, you shouldn't be in advanced class, let alone normal PE" I smirked. His smug face dropped, and his eyes narrowed to angry slits. 

"What makes you so special? Huh? Princess? What makes you think you have what it takes to do football, or any male sport? What, did you sleep with Coach to get into this class or something?" He tried patronising me, which pissed me off. 

"Excuse me?" i said, in disbelieve. All the other boys were silent, to see where the cool confrontation was going to lead. 

"You heard" he spat. I laughed a very unconvincing laugh, not showing any signs of humour. 

"Would you like me to show you what i can do?" I said, raising a eyebrow. I saw all the other boys look at this new boy, eager for a fight.

"Sure. Why not? I'd probably hurt you anyway..... from you being underneath me" he purred. I snorted, before walking out of the crowd, and gesturing him to follow me. 

"Give me your best shot. Kid." I challenged. He smirked, going for a punch, which made me laugh, because it was so bad it was funny. "That all you got?" 

"I got more baby..." he laughed, before charging at me. Inches before he made impact with my stomach, i dodged, making him fall past me. He charged again, This time i wasn't expecting it, and i fell backwards to the floor. I drew a punch into his face, before rolling his body off mine and straddled him, throwing a punch to the nose before holding his head down by his hair. 

"Well, this isn't where i planned to make this magic happen you know?" He said, eyebrows wiggling. The boys laughed. Suddenly i was flipped over, and my arms and legs are secured by his. "Problem sweetie? Yeah, your not the only one with a secret life" He said in a hushed tone, getting up. Once he was up, i took my chance before all my dignity was lost. I kicked out my leg and swung it around, so he fell on his face. he sat on the floor, glaring at me.

"Problem?" i said innocently, and all the boys cheered, helping me up. "That, my friend, is why i'm in this class." I stated, before walking off through the crowd, to where the boys had started gathering around Coach, who i know was pretending that he didn't see a thing, but saw the how thing perfectly, and was trying hard not to laugh at the boy, who was put flat on his face by a girl half his size. 

"What's your name?" The boy asked as he stood next to me. He made sure only we could here. 

"Lexi" I said, not looking at him. "Who are you?"

"Randy" he said.

"You know that's not what i meant" I said. I didn't want his name. I wanted his agent name. I knew he was a agent.

"I don't know what your talking about" He said sharply. I looked in his eyes and raised a eyebrow.  

"Valentin" He finally said after a long pause. Then it stuck me. Families of 'Secret Agents' or 'Assassins' all have similar names so they can be identified and find any family with the same genes for 'scientific' use, otherwise known as testing for weapons. So that meant only one thing, this boy standing next to me....

He was family. 


Sorry it took so long! I had writer's block and i was trying hard to come up with something good. What relation do you think Randy is to Lexi? Brother? Cousin? Uncle? Relation? Tell me in the comments box... Fan, Comment and Vote! I appreciate it. I talk to most of my fans, if i can, as thank you for fanning me. Ask my fans if you dont believe me. We have conversations sometimes..

 Picture of Randy on the side ------------> (Cause Logan Lerman is amazing!)

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