Chapter 3

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I sat in the car park, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for Lucas to turn up. We had agrred on 9pm, and the air was starting to get chilly. I sat in my car, listening to the radio, bopping my head along with a piece i enjoyed. I had my IPod, and it's beatbox docking station. I looked down at my clothes. I hope he didn't take this the wrong way. I was wearing a crop top saying 'May the odds be ever in your favour, and grey cotton sweats. I rubbed my shoulder. It was exposed to the cold, since my tshirt was off the shoulder. I sighed, looking at the clock. 9:05pm. I might just go in, i'm not wasting a perfectly good dance slot on him. 

I opened the door, taking out my gym bag, and making my way to the gym's entrance. I put on my navy flat cap, and moved it sideways, so it was diagonal to wherever my face was facing. As i pushed open the door, i heard a car. Turning around, i saw a big black BMW pull up next to my car. My small beatle was tiny compared to the massive car. The door opens, and out gets Lucas. I smile and wave at him. But then, another door opens, and I see another guy get out. His frame is tall, and gives off a look of power. His mahgoney brown hair is spiked up at the front, giving me that feeling like you want to run your hands through it. His caramel eyes pierced into mine. He was wearing grey sweats too, but with a white top, and green hoodie. All in all, he was attractive, i'd give him that. But I learnt not to love, and i didn't need another boy fighting over me. 

I turned my back on them, and went into the gym. In the corner of the gym, was the boxing ring. On the other side, was the gymnastic equipment. In the middle, was the perfect amount of space to dance in. I placed my beatbox on the ground, and slid my finger over my IPod until i found my favourite song to dance to; Church by T-Pain. I listened to it for a moment, before tutting and laughing at my concerntration. Then i went all out there into my feet, and started the flips at the chorus. When Lucas and the boy entered, i had then flipped from my back to my front, then back, then flipped up on to my feet. I gave them one of my deadly smiles, one that means i mean business. Suddenly, after standing there for a while, i sprint to the wall, and do a backflip off of it. I then turn, sprinting across the room, changing into turns and flips about three i think, until i land on the ground, one fist on the floor, swatting, just as the music finished.

I looked at Lucas, glaring at him. What right did he have to bring a boy along? Even if the boy was attractive, he still shouldn't have done it. Lucas' face was priceless. His combined shock and smugness made him look like a idiot. The other boy just stood there, like how he was before. 

"You just going to stand there gawping, or are you going to come join in?" i said coldly. Lucas suddenly came back to Earth, and nodded, putting his bag down. The other boy just sat down. 

"Charming" i muttered, walking off to the Ipod. Lucas came up to me, and sat on the betch i had put my docking station on. 

"So what can you dance then?" he asked. I gave him a look i hope gave off the WTH? look, cause if not it looked like i was a weirdo. 

"What types of dance are you good at?" he said slowly, as if speaking to a small child. 

"Oh! Ummmm..... Ok...... Street, Rumba, Samba, Salsa, Calypso and Flaminco" i said proudly, looking at him in the eyes. 

"So, mostly exotic. Sexy" he said, wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed. 

"Show me some?" he said. Suddenly i felt really self concious. 

"I don't think that's a very good idea" i said, cocking my head to the side where the boy was. 

"Oh, what? Danny? He won't care. He's the crew's leader. He's seen everyones audition. He's the one who picks the people. I brought him to watch you, maybe even dance with you" Lucas explained. 

"Looks like a nice guy" i snort, chuckling at my own joke. Lucas chuckled. 

"Ahhh, he is when he knows you. Think he likes you..." Lucas replied. I lifted a eyebrow. 

After searching through my songs, Lucas found one he liked. "We are starting with Street. Ok, Listen and interpret." he shouted over the music. I listened to the first verse, then danced for the chorus and rest of the song. There was about 15 flips throughover the song, a lot of tutting, and a hell of a lot of complicated moves i'd learnt over the years. Lucas clapped at the end, but the guy 'Danny' just sat there. 

"Rumba? Or Salsa?" Lucas said, not looking up from my IPod. 

"Salsa" I called back.

"OK, but you can't Salsa in those!" He called, gesturing to my clothes and laughing. 

"What's wrong with them?" i asked, kinda hurt that he thought my clothes were bad. 

"Well i'm glad i brought this". He said, handing me his bag. He got up and turn me around, pushing me. "Go put it on" He ordered.

I walked into the Womens changing rooms. When i opened the bag, i cringed. In it, i saw a red salsa dress, red flower, with skin coloured tights and red heels. I pulled them out, placing them on the side. Where did he even get this stuff anyway? How did he know my size? I feel quite scared that they look about the right size. I put it on, and it fit like a glove. The red material went to mid thigh on my left leg, and sweeped down just below my knee on the right side. The top was halter neck, and i tied it up behind my neck. The ruffles of the silk felt alien to me. I let my blonde ringlet hair drape over my shoulder. I clipped the flower to the ringlet just above my ear, and slipped on the heels. 

When i walked out, Lucas wolf whistled me. I probably was as red as a tomato. It was so awkward. 

"Is all this really necessary?" I complained, waving my hands at the dress.

"Yes. I wouldn't feel the magic if you were in sweats" Lucas laughed. "And plus, you shouldn't hide those legs, they are sexy" i heard him mutter after. 

"How am i meant to Salsa alone? It's a two person dance" I moaned. 

"Well, Danny, it's your time to shine" Lucas said, getting up and getting Danny up. Danny walked towards me, taking my hand, and placing his other hand on my waist. 

"Let's dance" Danny smirked. We danced, but i can't remember any of it, only that those caramel coloured eyes sucked me in, making me pretty much forget everything. the intensity made me flush, the colour made me swoon. Those both, made me madly in love with the only thing i knew was out of my reach. You can't just go into a crew and date a leader. And plus, falling in love with him, will make Jasper angry. I didn't realize, but when Jasper gets angry, he's deadly. 

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