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Before you start the story⚠️⚠️!!

1. It's going to be a short cliché story with short chapters so warning to all the people out there who hate it!!

2. All the characters and events that take place in the story are totally fictional and I created those in my head but if anything like this has happened to you before, spill bestie 😘.

3. Also the characters talk to themselves sometimes (if you ever get confused) and it's not out loud it's just in their brain.

4. Don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you much for giving my story few precious minutes of your day.

4. The story will be updated daily. Or atleast I'll try to😅. Let me not bore you anymore and present you my story. Enjoy!!


I stared at the ceiling not being able to sleep again. My migraine hasn't let me sleep since few days. I don't want to take some pathetic medicines every day.

What if a car hits me while crossing the road? I won't have to take it everyday then. The thought made me smile a little. It would be easier way for it to end. Will anyone even notice me gone? How many days would it take for them to find out? But what if I just end up going in coma or something.

I don't want to be lectured about not knowing how to cross the road or some shit like that. Fuck! Everything is bad. Why do I have to overthink everything? I hate everything! Ugh.


My phone went off making me almost fall out of bed. Who the fuck is texting me at 1 am? I pulled the phone from my night stand groaning. Oh! Even better. It's 2:22 am.

Who the fuck is it?

Unknown number? Just great!

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