Chp. 1

540 19 1

"Come over here. Let's have a look at you dear..." The woman said as i obeyed her commands. she examine me walking in circles to get a good look of my whole self.

I was confused.

who is she

why am i here?

She notices my expression as she let out a chuckle to snap me from my thoughts.

"Don't look so confused... I know everything you've got hidden in that brain of yours. I know all the terrible things you've done. So many good intentions laid to waste... I can see the regret, eating away at your soul Y/n..."

My eyes widen..

S-she knew?..


"You can't go back.. Only death awaits you there now." she said straightforwardly knowing what to say.

"But i need to find him! I-i cant leave him alone there dying!"

"My dear...You are already dead" she said as i froze in my spot. "N-no..Youre lying!"

"You would still be in the dark searching for Nonsense if i didn't get you out if there" she said as she look at her nails then to me.

I got upset...My thoughts slowly eating me again..

"Fear not love, you've got potential! I see it in you, and I can help change your fate. But if you want a new lifeyou're going to have to suffer quite a bit to get it."

"W-what do you mean?.." I look at her as she look back at me with a smile. "Ill grant you a wish in exchange for the pieces of the ring"

"what...pieces of the rings?"

"yes well , The pieces to a powerful ring are hidden in nightmares behind each of these portals. Find them, and bring them to me. And you'll get your wish." she explained with a smile , soon the smile turn into a frown as her look darkened.

"if you Fail, you'll find there are fates far worse than death awaiting for you here." she finished as she walks to a portal that lits up..

its...a monkey?

"Clock's ticking Y/n" i stared at it and walk forward but she stopped me instantly.

"Oh! almost forgot , here is your tablet...You know what it is dont you? it shows you the location and amount shards of the ring you needed to find"


"Good luck Dear , and look out who's behind you" she said before forcing me to enter the portal..

[DISCONTINUED]  Trois messieurs insensés (Dark Deception Gold watchers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now