Chp. 5

446 14 4

"If i messed up again Bierce aint going to be happy despite her shit ass mocking" I muttered completely ignoring all the things that distract me , since whenever i got into my own world of thoughts i died TWICE.

I cleared the hedge maze , no shards here anymore..

I ran to the manor before those statues get me.

I saw the ring Altar at the center of the manor entrance..I cant get that yet , i need to clear this place up.


I saw another Silver statue but he seem to be different from the others , despite his attire he seem to have a jerky attitude just by how loud this bastard can laugh and smug look on his face-

"Leave me alone!"

"Aht' would destroy the fun aint it lass?"

I frozed turning to the weird silver statue. "Did you just-"

"Aye , I did. i seem to broke a rule for us statues but it seem entertaining to see you fail~"

"What the fuck?!"

"Man this lassie can curse bravely infront of me..not like the other Doty ass mortal who would run away" He said and put his Large axe on his shoulder.

"W-what do you want from me?!"

"You seem forgetful aint ya' lass?" he walk closer to me making me back away.

he firmly grabbed my face and look closer , His eyeholes glow green that seems like his eyes. He look around looking for other statues , Gladly theres none...well not for long as we both heard footsteps.

He covered my mouth to contain my screams as he dragged me to a room before anyone can see us.


He closed the door behind him as he throw me on the bed.


"what?" He said confused at my yelling as he locked the door. He look at me seeing how i went to the otherside of the bed to get distance then it clicked him.

"Dumbass , I aint going to do shit with yer' small ass" He said and chuckled as he threw his axe at the wall making it stuck there. He sat on a chair and look at me smiling so widely.

"Then why am i here?!"

"Might want to keep it down or these asshole would end you painfully once they find yer' noisy ass"

I keep my guard grabbing a book from a table thats besides me. "Relax now wont ya?"

"How the hell can i relax when there's a dangerous statue infront of me?!"

he sigh as he stood up , he whistled making confused as i heard flapping noises.

a parrot landed on his arm..


that Scottish accent..

weird coat and clothing..

A pirate?!

"Yer making a stupid face"

"W-well- theres a pirate infront of me! god who knows what you will do!"

"I told yer ass i dont do nasty stuffs doty lass"

He said as he whistled and point at me , The parrot flew and sat on my head.


"Kevin you little feathered shit stop calling me that!"

"GOOF BALL 'You little..Shit.." The parrot said copying the insult and saying to its owner.

I couldn't hold my laugh so i let out a giggle making the pirate stare at me.

"Aye , were not done yet here"


[DISCONTINUED]  Trois messieurs insensés (Dark Deception Gold watchers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now