Chapter 1 - Prisoner

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Your eyes gently fluttered open as you had awoken to the various grunts and growls of zombies burning in the sun's golden rays outside. Sitting up, you released an exhausted yawn and stretched out your stiffened limbs. You begrudgingly threw the cozy blanket off of yourself and got dressed. You slipped on a washed out orange tunic and some battle worn brown pants. You snatched your hairbrush off your dressing table and brushed it out into something acceptable as you rushed down the stairs.

Suddenly, you went flying down the last few steps smashing your face onto the hard wooden planks of the hallway, sending a shock wave of pain throughout your muscles and down your neck. Letting out a groan of pain you slowly brought yourself to your feet again and glancing back at the stairs seeing what source of evil had caused you this pain. Your pick axe. You mumbled some curses to yourself for leaving it there in the first place as you removed the hazard from the stairs to prevent that from repeating itself. You instead moved it by the top of the staircase to sort out later. Sauntering off into the kitchen took out a tray, some bread and coal. Shoving the three items into the furnace you removed your flint and steel from the chest that resided in the corner of your kitchen and struck the iron against the black stone repeatedly until you had small embers in your furnace to warm up your breakfast. Redirecting your attention from the smoldering furnace to another chest you look through it and let out a heavy sigh of disappointment.
"I need to go out hunting for more food. I'm down to my last loaf of bread. That also means I have to hit the market on my way home." You said to yourself, your joy slightly fading.

The fresh smell of bread filling your nose snapped you out of your thoughts forcing your focus onto finishing your miserable excuse for a breakfast. Taking the last of your bread you ate hastily. Upon finishing your meal the clock caught your eye. You rushed to your armour ripping it off its stand and pulling it onto yourself. You then bolted out to the stable located at the side of your house, tacked up your horse and hopped on. Kicking the horses sides both gallop off through the plains you call home and through the neighbouring forest until you arrive at your destination, Etteral, nicknamed the golden city. As the early sun's rays shone over the many buildings it cast a golden hue over the .

Arriving at the stables you untacked your horse, leaving the worn bridle on a hook and the saddle on the door. You gave the horse a gentle goodbye pat on the nose and walked down one of the many streets of the awakening city. You continued on until you reached your port of call, a beautiful golden and white castle which had almost a godly aura as the yellow lighting illuminated the exterior. Straightening your posture you went inside to greet your boss notifying him you've arrived for your shift.

Navigating down the staircase you made your way to what's probably the most secure place in all of Minecraft, Notch's dungeon. Complete with various redstone traps and locked behind several keys.

"Well look who decided to finally show their face." you heard a smooth voice coo.

'Ugh not this again' You thought to yourself, as you checked the prisoners cell for any signs of attempted escape.

"Not in the mood for talking?" He inquired.

You turned away from him, ignoring his words and facing the entrance of the large hall taking a guarding stance.

"You humans are so predictable-"
"Silence!" You snapped, cutting him off as you turned to face him only to see a stupid grin on his face. Between running out of food and hurting yourself you were becoming frustrated. He was getting under your skin and he knew it.

"And who do you think you are to be telling me to do such a thing? " He questioned.
"I'm the guard here, not you, so shut the fuck up." You retorted.
"Now, now that's quite rude isn't it? Aren't you royal guards supposed to treat everyone with respect?" He snarkily replied. That stupid smirk still plastered across his features.
"I have no respect for prisoners like you."
"Doesn't matter anyway, in combat you'd be the one crying on the floor."
"Well aren't I lucky you're stuck behind glass so strong not even the enderdragon could break it with ease."

Your sassy reply seemed to get an amused, almost inaudible huff out of him. You knew he was most likely right, but nonetheless it annoyed you that he was so quick to dismiss you. Although he was essentially a god and you were just a mortal.

"Belittling me will be your biggest mistake." You threatened.

"We'll see about that."

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