Chapter 2 - Calm

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After your shift ended and receiving numerous dismissive remarks from the most dangerous being in all of Minecraft, you took a detour down to the market. Wondering through the tightly packed stalls, many of which you noticed were either closed or closing. You picked up your pace, silently praying they were still open. You approached the bakers stall. Seeing the middle aged man packing up his remaining belongings doubt plagued your mind as to whether you'd eat tonight.
"Excuse me, Mr. Beckett?"
"Ah, hello Y/N, how are you holding up?" A rough voice asked followed by a head popping up.
"I've had better days." You said with a tired laugh.
"I'm sorry to hear that kiddo."
"By any chance do you have anything left? Forgot to restock back home sooner." You inquired with a hint of exhaustion.
" 'Fraid not, but what I can do for you is hold onto some of tomorrows lot if you want" he said with a hint of sorrow in his voice.
"I suppose that's the next best thing isn't it? Thanks."
"No worries kiddo"

With a heavy sigh you returned back to the stables, paid your fee and headed home with your horse.

You came across a clearing in the forest with a small herd of cows that were grazing on the grass without a single care in the world. Your lack of food on your mind, you seized the opportunity to collect at least something edible. You gripped your swords rough wooden handle drawing your shiny blade you slowly snuck up on a cow and SHING-  with two quick swipes it was stone dead. You collected as much meat as you could. You repeated this process a few more times without being so greedy as to kill the majority of the brown and white bovine beasts but enough to keep you sustained for the week.

Upon arriving home you put away your gatherings and filled up a bucket of water for your horse along with giving him some hay. It was nice and quiet, the only thing to be heard was the ambience. The gentle sway of trees and grass in the mild autumn's wind. You stood at your horses side gently petting his neck and smiling softly feeling that his winter coat was coming in, nice and fluffy, soft to the touch. You glanced outside over the stable door to see darkness has finally enveloped the sky painting it with various little white stars of varying sizes.

Feeling satisfied, you went inside and into the kitchen to make yourself dinner. You unwrapped a cut of meat from the cloth you had encased in, tossed the cloth into a basket and laid the meat on a tray that you had left out that morning. You cleaned up the kitchen while waiting for your meal to cook and cool before sitting down to enjoy it. It wasn't anything extravagant but after a hard days work and a string of bad luck even charcoal could taste like a five star restaurant. After finishing, you put your cutlery and plate in the sink to clean in the morning.

When you reached the end of the stairs you caught a glimpse of your armour stand in the hall and it dawned on you that you still had your armour on. Letting out a tired groan you lazily pulled it off and placed it on the stand and trudged upstairs into your room. You lazily threw on your pyjamas which consisted of a plain white t-shirt and grey pants and hopped into bed getting comfy and soon drifting into a land of dreams and fantasies.

Your dream abruptly came to a halt when you awoke to the startling noise of glass being shattered. You jumped to your feet and scanned your room for any broken glass, 'No damage done. Must've been downstairs.' You thought to yourself. You slowly inched towards the door You noticed thankfully your pickaxe had still been untouched. sneaking over you slowly wrapped your nervous hands around the handle, lifting it up ready to swing at anything that came your way. Creeping down the pale birch staircase ensuring to be incredibly careful as to not to alert any intruders of your presence. You glanced towards your front door no living thing in sight. 'Coast is clear' you thought to yourself as you began to head down the hallway.

Suddenly you heard the sound of bones rattling 'Okay, skeletons. I have the advantage in close combat' a tall charred looking skeleton walked out of your sitting room and its attention immediately fixated on you, without hesitation you swung your pickaxe into the skeletons ribs, taking it by surprise. It quickly recovered and took a swing at you thankfully, out speeding the nether native skeleton you dropped down to take it's legs out from under it. On it's way down the monster clocked you in the head with the hilt of its sword. Slowly your vision faded and then your hearing,soon you were incapable of processing anymore thoughts.

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