Chapter 4 - Progress?

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The past few days have been rinse and repeat. Wake up, scheme, breakfast, scheme, dinner, scheme, sleep. Nothing interesting has happened yet and you began to wonder what he planned to do with you. You began to wonder if anyone was even concerned about your sudden disappearance or your well being. Suddenly your thoughts were interrupted by the clacking of bones coming down the stairs. Your eyes fixated on the spot where your skeleton 'friend' has been appearing day in and day out like clockwork. The skeleton appeared as per usual with a plain meal as it did every other day- at least you think it's the same one everyday. You let out a deep sigh as the skeleton provided you with your food once again.

"This is so lonely...." You said more so to yourself than the skeleton. You were starting to get annoyed after spending days here. Trapped like a bird in a cage. No contact to the outside world. Separated from your flock. Hoping your people would have had a search party out by now.

Your attention was drawn back to reality as you felt the empty abyss' that were the skeletons'eye sockets fixated on you as you slowly slid the blunt knife across the mediocre lamb chop on your plate. Having a skeleton stare at you while you eat isn't exactly a comforting feeling. Eating away at the pathetic vegetables, you try to make conversation to ease the tension.

"Do you have anything else to do other than stare at me?" You inquired.

The skeleton continued to emptily gaze at you. Like an empty husk. You wondered if it even understood you. Though it showed no signs.

"Are all mobs this brain-dead?" You muttered under your breath before shoving a piece of meat in your mouth. It's bones rattled as it moved the skeleton somehow portraying an angered expression. 'Seems like that struck a nerve....' For a mere moment you began to see why Herobrine liked annoying you. 'At least I know it can understand me.' you thought to yourself.
"Can I at least know what this place is?" You inquired.
"Will you tell me why I'm here?" More silence.

You thought for a moment realising this isn't the way you're going to get info. So you decided to take some inspiration from the very man who put you here.
Keeling your mind to yourself you pondered long and hard, trying to find the right words to get a response out of this miserable skeleton.

"How long have you been doing this delivery boy?"
Part of you felt bad for being so insulting but you had no other choice.
"I am no 'delivery boy.'" It finally replied with irritance seeping through its scratchy voice.
"Then why are you delivering food to me day in and day out.?"
"Those are my orders. Simple as that."
"Then what are you?"
"A guard, a respectable one at that."
"Respectable, huh? Then why are you sent here to do his dirty work?
Tell me why'd he send you, instead of any old disposable brain-dead, emotionless, bag o'bones to do restaurant duty."
The skeleton seemed to ponder your words for a few moments.

Suddenly you felt something sharp pierce the inner lining of your mouth making you release an audible 'OW!'.

"Fucking bit my cheek." You held your hand up to said muscles for a few moments. Once you finished eating you handed over the plate back to the skeletal creature. You waited for it to leave before you spat out what really hurt you. A little but sturdy bone. About the length  of a small needle. Deciding to stash it for now you slipped it into the waistband of your pants until you can figure out how to put it to good use.

Time ticked by painfully at a snails pace as you laid on the stone floor plotting a way to achieve your freedom. You needed to find out the layout of whatever resided above the stone bricked stairs. You just needed more info.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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