Chapter Three

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Windows were down in my classic 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback. A mechanical masterpiece as I always called it. Moon had her classic rock music playing through the air, and I couldn't help but smile to myself. She knew that I loved that music, I was just playing rap the other day to get on her nerves.

    I can't help but regret with everything in me the way I treated the girl. Midnight black hair, emerald green eyes, tan skin, the most beautiful person that I had ever laid eyes on, inside and out. Yes, she had flaws, but didn't everyone? Her flaws are perfect too. I don't have any girls from my past to compare her to, because I couldn't look at anyone the same. They weren't her.

    "Eyes on the road Grey."

Grey. I hated that nickname coming from anyone else's mouth. It only felt right when she said it.

    "Yes ma'am." I laughed.

    When we were kids, I didn't ever want to be away from her. She was my best friend, my partner in crime, my everything. She still is, but she doesn't know it. At eight years old I didn't know what love was. Of course, I didn't. Who does at that age? But when I got older and started to change, she did too. She still was a walking ray of sunshine, but she changed physically. She slimmed down, her smile got brighter, her eyes sparkled more, and I didn't know what was happening. All I knew was that I wanted to be around her all the time. To make her laugh and to make her eyes light up at something stupid, and when I talked to Lucas about it, I knew that I was in for it deep. I had feelings for her as more than friends. And it scared the life out of me. So I ran from it. I didn't want to be like my parents. I thought that's what love did to you.

I thought that love was just something dumb, it was something people thought they felt. But this girl. She has a grip on my heart that I couldn't break even if I wanted to. But I don't want it broken. I could not stop loving her any more than I could stop breathing. I am hopelessly, undeniably, in love with Moon, And the worse part is? She didn't even know.

So I surrounded myself with other things and tried to shut her and all girls out. Cause I didn't know what else to do.

    When I started making excuses to not hang out with her, I knew that it was hurting her. And that her eyes were turning a paler green when she was getting sad. That when she called me and I told her I was busy, she was biting down on the inside of her cheek cause that's what she did when she was disappointed. But I didn't want to do something stupid and screw it up like my folks did.

    My parents are loaded. My mom is a lawyer and my dad owns a manufacturing company. But you would have never guessed that they are. We live in a modest two story house right next to Moon. Her mom and Mom are very close, and they didn't want to be far away from each other. But, money had gotten in the way of a lot. My dad drowns himself in work and never talks to me. Mom tries at least. But she gets caught up in work too. So many nights as a kid were lonely for me. Most of the time, I would have to fix all my meals and clean everything. That's one reason why me and Moon got so close. Hers fought, mine forgot me, so we just were there for each other. But now it's like the roles have reversed. Her mom forgot her now and my parents actually come home. Just to fight. I also see the way my dad treats my mom. He won't talk to her without starting an argument and that's nearly every time they see each other, which is maybe once every two weeks. I wish that they would be better for Meredith. But they send her to babysitters and I don't see her as much as I would want to.

    "Grey, have you listened to anything I've said?" a voice says.

Suddenly, I'm at the ball field, and I don't know how I got here.

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