Chapter 1

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7:45 AM


Me: ffs who is at my door ?

Mãe (mom) : olha o jeito que você fala com migo! (Watch the way you speak to me)

Me: desculpa (sorry) I don't mean it my mom I'm so tired today

Mãe; eu sei mais fãs força para estudar é difícil eu sei tudo isso meu filha mais se força ! (Ik but do your best to study its hard ik all that my daughter try hard)

Me okay , I'll get ready now mom obrigada (thank you)

My mom was the sweetest woman I knew she always did her best to ensure I was okay and practically broke her back to check on me , I loved her with all my heart and soul.

I picked myself up and got ready for school I went to the bathroom and did all my self care and took a shower.

12th grade thank God it was nearly my last year please Lord let this year fly by!

In the car

Dad- por favor Márcia por amor de Deus não me fase nenhum confusão em escola! Se eu escutar que vc fez qualquer merda eu vou te dar no cara ! Entendeu? ( please Marcia for the love of Bod don't cause any trouble at school ! If I hear that you did any type of shit I'll slap your right in the face , understand?)

Me- mais pai vc já sabe que eu não faço nada de mal (but dad you already know I don't do anything bad)

Dad- cala boca e me apenas escuta ! (Shut up and listen)

Me- just forget it I hear what you're saying you never understand anyway ta tudo bem já te entendi ( it's all good I've already understood you)


Dad - nem pensar em chorar ( don't even think about crying )

For the rest of the drive I remained quite and held my tears back , my throat was sore from not being able to scream my guts out. I hated my father more than anything and all I wanted was to be away from him if he wasn't being physically abusive it was mental and emotional abuse , I tried explaining this to my mother but she never understood and I just gave up

At school

Before getting out of the car my father grabbed my arm

Dad- nem pensar dizer o que eu fiz ( don't even think about telling anyone what I did) , next time don't push me to my limits ! Fala comigo com respeito! (Talk to me respectfully). Agora some da aqui ! ( now get out of here )

Without being told twice I got out of the car slamming the door as tears escaped my eyes , great first day and I'm already crying. I made my way to the bathroom as fast as I could, my eyes were flooded with tears completely blurring my vision which led to....

*THUD* I had bumped into an unknown tall man

Me - omg I'm so sorry how can I help you this was a complete accident I'm so sorry my vision is so bad sometimes I really never meant to make you spill your coffee , um let me get you a tissue or buy you a new coffee please just-

Man- woah woah woah, slow down and take a few breaths I'm just as at all fault as you are! We both should've been looking forwards.

Me- no no no I'm so sorry please just let me fix this

Man- seriously it's okay , it's the first day you're stressed I understand I've done school before he replied with a friendly laugh while giving me a warm smile

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