Chapter 2

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Mom- Marcia get ready for school por favor meu amor (please my love)

I'm nearly done mom I'm walking today so you can tell dad I don't need a life I'll have breakfast at school too so you done need to dress, I replied. The last thing I wanted was to be alone with my father today.

Mom- okay mais ta tudo okay ( is everything okay)

Of course mae you would be the first to know if something was wrong nothing gets under your nose! I replied with a playful laugh to warm her heart a little.

I didn't want to stress my mom out I knew she already had a lot on her plate so I didn't want to add onto that.


As I walked to school I could feel a car slowing down behind me , I stopped to let it pass by to ensure I was safe but as I stopped the car stopped too.

Of course it was none other than my gym teacher. Despite him being a dick to a lot of people in my class it was almost like I could see something different in him I could see he saw something in me. Probably because I've seen ALL of him... yes from head to toe.

Mr Davis- well well well Ms. Castillo fancy seeing you this morning.

Mr Davis had this annoying habit of always calling me by my last name.

Oh mr Davis I'm surprised you haven't been fired yet.

And why would they fire such a good teacher like me amazing talented , good looking!

Yeah yeah whatever

I loved mr Davis but I hated showing it we had great banter between one another and he always checked up on me at the weirdest times almost right when I needed somebody.

I continued to walk.

Ms Castillo you're not gonna get to school on time walking at that rate

Sorry Oliver it's cold out here !!!

Since mr Davis called my by last name I in return called him by first name despite him being my gym teacher.

Come on , get in.

I got into his car simply because he was right I would be pretty late and it was very cold out so, and it's not like I hadn't been in here before but I'll save that story for a different day. Mr Davis' car was relatively new with a nice cream interior. It smelt like men's cologne inside too , which slightly turned me on.... He was my teacher though so I got myself together and focused.

So how's my ex favourite gym student doing !

Ex favourite? Why am I no longer your favourite student.

Hmmm mainly because I'm no longer your gym teacher since miss birch took over.

Well ms birch is lovely so I'm not complaining.

Deep down when you saw your schedule you cried !

Oh you wish I replied with a laugh.

Mr Davis and I had good conversations throughout the year but they were always kept on an appropriate teacher to student level he never made me feel too bad and I was the same we had our laugh but now that he was my gym teacher there could be no "repeats" of the summer. I met mr Davis over the summer I was 17 at the time and he was 21 graduated early , me Luciana and some other man met at a club , it was Lucianas idea to go there while our parents were away long story short things happened that weren't supposed to and now we've seen every inch of each other. We vouched to never tell a soul so we don't really talk about it anymore but I just feel like I need closure.


Mr Martinez- okay class so I want you to pick a person any person in this world who has done something that inspires you personally , take account of what they've done and create a short film. Now today is Monday the 22nd of November therefore you have until next Monday to complete this. This is worth 30% of your first term grade and I would like to see As so let's do our best !

Luciana- omg mar girl we need to hang out

Me -Fr how are we best friends and we literally just spend no time together.

Luciana- ikr so tell me any gossip any news what's up with you ?

Me- okay so this morning I was walking and mr Davis gave me a lift up here we had a pretty nice convo ngl

Luciana - girlllll instead of snagging a lift with mr Martinez fine papi 84 you chose outdated mr Davis chica I am disappointed asf!

Me- Lu it's not even like that it's not about looks either , plus he's our TEACHER might I remind you hes fine yes I agree no doubt but if were talking about looks I think mr Davis is pretty cute too.

Luciana - your just saying that cause you fucked him.

Me- ew luci no I don't like him!

Luciana- hmm ok if black people could blush baby girl your face would be as red as a tomato

We both burst into laughter as she said this. I loved how we could joke about just anything and there were no hard feelings.


Ms birch - okay juniors let's she what you're made of!

Luciana - I am so glad we don't have your stupid ass fave mr Davis anymore

Me- girl shut up he's great.

Mr Davis - talking about me ?

Luciana - .........

Mr Davis- oh now you're mute detention for both of you !

Me- dude surely you're joking !

Mr Davis - do you see me smiling Marcia Castillo ?

Sigh. Then there were these days were mr Davis would completely pretend nothing had ever happened between us to ensure no one caught onto us. Luciana loved to make jokes about him being old and nearly 28 when he was actually 23 just like mr Martinez. Mr Davis made me feel so bad when he'd do things like this , like dude your dick was in my mouth watch your tone.

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