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Abigail woke up the next day to the sun shining through her curtains. She looked at her phone that was still charging on her nightstand. It was 9:45. She could stay in bed for 15 more minutes, or she could plan her outfit for the day. Normally, she would resort to one of the same 5 outfits- she didn't like change. Today was different, though. She remembered the boys face with his kind smile. Maybe he was trying to make a friend. Abigail was desperate for a friend. Other than her music, she had no friends.

She decided to get up and plan her outfit. She sifted through her closet, finding things she purchased but had never worn. She decided to wear a pair of overalls that had been cut off into shorts. Underneath, she wore a green and white striped tee shirt. Her beaten up white vans would have to work, they were the most comfortable and she had to walk between classes. After taking a shower and getting dressed, she pulled up her light brown hair into two messy pigtail buns on the top of her head. She left for her noon class at 11:30.

Her classes felt like they lasted forever, as normal. At 3:00, she basically ran out the door and to her car. She checked herself in the sun visor mirror and texted the number that she was given.

Abigail: The cafe beside the record shop?
Jake: That would be wonderful.
Abigail: On my way. See you soon.
Jake: I can't wait.

Abigail's heart felt like it was on fire. She didn't think it was a crush, the ones in middle school didn't feel like this. Maybe she just wanted to be this boy's friend after being alone for so long. She drove to the cafe, making it there early. She decided to go into the record shop to pass the time. With just a few minutes to spare, she left the shop and headed to the cafe.

Entering the cafe, Abigail took a look around. She'd never taken the time to make a stop. From the outside, the small coffee shop wasn't much. The inside, however, astounded Abigail. The shop was full of bookshelves, all of different heights. On top of all of the shelves were different plants, some growing up, some down, and some across. The dining area was surprisingly dark, despite the lack of windows. Looking to the ceiling, Abigail saw the large skylight. She marveled at the geometric patterns.

"Welcome in!" The pretty girl at the counter said. "How can I help you?"

Abigail realized that she was the only other person in the cafe, so she must have been the one the barista was talking to. "Oh. I'm waiting for my friend." Abigail said nervously.

"Feel free to look around. The books are take one leave one. So if you find one you'd like to read, we just ask you replace it with one you'd like to pass onto the next reader." The girl said, smiling.

Abigail realized she was still five minutes early and looked at the selection of literature lining the shelves. There were lots of titles she didn't recognize. Finding an old, well loved book, she tucked it under her arm. She didn't have a book with her, but knew she had one in her car that she would pass on. She walked to the barista. "I have a book in my car. Can you hold this for me until my friend comes? She asked.

"Of course I can." The girl smiled. "Good book."

"Abigail?" She heard the soft voice of Jake say as he approached her.

"Hey, Jake." She smiled. "I'm glad to see you." She said.

"I'm sorry. I was running late." He said.

"You're actually still early. By one minute." Abigail said.

"This place is amazing. I came in yesterday and left a book." He said. "One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcìa Màrquez."

Abigail smiled, knowing it was the book she'd picked out. "Good book?" She asked.

"Wonderful. I've read it several times. I figured this would be a great place to pass it on." He said. "Are you ready to order?"

"I am." She smiled.

They ordered their coffee, hers an iced flavored drink, and his a warm black coffee. They sat outside at a small table that had an umbrella through the center providing a small bit of shade.

"What do you do for fun?" Abigail asked.

Jake laughed. "Well, my brothers and our friend Danny do a lot of traveling. Personally, I like to read, go on hikes, and play music."

"Play music?" Abigail asked.

"Yeah. I play guitar." Jake grinned.

Abigail played with the golden locket that she wore every day. While it only had one picture inside, it meant the world to her. It was the last birthday gift she received from her grandfather. He had ordered it to be engraved with the words he'd sang to her so many times, so that she might always remember.

"My grandfather played guitar." Abigail nodded.

"I bet he's amazing." Jake said.

"He was. He would always play the same songs, but put him around a bunch of his buddies and they'd just play to be playing." She smiled, thinking of all the memories she had with him. "I miss him more and more every day."

"I'm sorry." Jake said.

"Don't be. It was his time to return to the stars." She smiled.

"Do you play any instruments?" Jake asked.

"No, I don't. I've always wanted to learn to play guitar, but I've never gotten myself to pick up the thing." She laughed. "You should play for me sometime. I miss hearing the acoustic in the same room with me."

"I'd love to." Jake said. "We'll get together again."

"It would be really fun. Maybe you could teach me." She joked.

"It would be my pleasure." Jake said. "Tomorrow's Saturday. Do you have class or anything?"

"I actually don't. I'm free all day." She smiled.

"We could meet up here. I know this spot that my brother took me to yesterday that would be perfect. The sound would be immaculate." Jake said, enthusiastically.

"Okay. What time?" Abigail said, her leg beginning to bounce.

"Well, we could make a day of it. What about 10?" He suggested.

"Sounds good to me." She said, grinning.

They finished their coffee. It seemed like hours they sat there. "Well, I better get out of here. My brothers and buddy will be wondering about me." He said. "I'll text you soon."

"Alright. Drive safe." She said.

"You too." He said, standing up. "You look beautiful, by the way." 

Before Abigail could even process the compliment, Jake was gone. She went to her car and grabbed the book to trade. Walking up to the barista, the barista smiled. "Don't be too nervous. He seems like he likes you too." The barista said.

"Huh?" She asked.

"Come on. I've been in the coffee shop business long enough to tell when two people are on a coffee date. He likes you too." The barista said, handing her the book.

Abigail blinked. She took the book. "Thank you."

"Just don't be nervous. He likes you for yourself." The girl said as Abigail walked out the door.

Abigail drove home with her windows down, air flowing through the car. She smiled in the silence.

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