Enemies cannot be lovers

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Athen hung from the bar reminiscing on the day before.

"What if you fell for me?" Killian asked.

Athena giggled. "Oh Killian, did you really think that when I went with you I didn't know who you are? A billionaire playboy who can't keep a girl for no longer than 3 months. You won't use your sweet words to try and fool me."

This made Killian furious, but at the same time it made him want to pursue the girl even more. "I'm glad you know, so you must also know that I always get what I want. Since I want you I will get you and you can't stop me."

"Just for you to leave me?" Athena inquired.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that now I want to try to win you over. Let's see who makes who fall first."

Athena snickered at the man and traced the tattoos that littered his body. "Yes let us see."

A loud banging sound knocks Athena out of her memories and also causes her to fall off the bar head first. She quickly twist her body and thankful she landed flat in the mat with a thud.

A groan escaped her lip and she heard a laugh like a hyena echo through the room. That could only be one person.

"Damnit Cece, you made me fall!" Her cousin, Cece, laughed even harder and hunched over clenching her stomach.

"Awe man I wish I videoed that" she howled.

Athen brought herself to her feet and dusted her light red workout outfit off. "What are you doing here?" Athena asked.

"Me and mom came to see you and Aunt V." Cece ran over and hugged her cousin of the same age. Both girls were 21 and in their last year of college. Due to their same age they spent a lot of time together as kids and grew a strong bond.

The girls left the gym together and Athena excused herself to shower. Athena tried to make everything as quick as possible and she soon left her room black jeans with a white button up shirt. Her sleeves rolled up to her elbows and her top button was undone. She left her thick hair fall down and opted for a pair of black high heel boots.

She walked down the curved staircase and followed the loud chatter to the living room. There sat Cece, her mother and her Aunt Malani. Her aunt quickly stood up and enfolded Athena in her arms.

"Oh look how big you've gotten. Oh my Venice why didn't you tell me my baby has gotten so big." Athena mother chuckled at her sister gushing over her niece. Athena gently pulled away from her aunt and sat down on the floor in front of Cece.

They group of girls spend their day catching up. But Athena remained mostly in her head, thinking of the man her mother told her to seduce. Athena had no reason why only one night with the man had him constantly on her mind. This had never happened to her before and she was confused as to what she was feeling and why.

When her cousin and aunt left, Athena laid on her mother's lap and watched tv. They stayed like that until her mother spoke.

"I want us to go out to an event tomorrow. There will be many power people there, including Killian."

"Is it smart for him to see us together?" Athena responded.

"I don't see why not. I want him to know who you are, if you try to hide your life and family then you will get no where with him. In his eyes I am still a loyal ally of his and I will stand by him through it all."

At this Athena began to wonder what Killian did to anger her mother if the two are supposed to be partners. So she asked, "then what did he do to wrong you mother?"

Her mother shook her head slowly. "I will tell you another time." Athena kept her mouth, but she couldn't help but to think of all the things that might have happened.

She began to think of what would of happened if she approached Killian with complete innocent intents and met him as a friend and not an enemy.

As she was thinking the tv softly played in the background. The main character speaking to say...

"Enemies cannot be lovers"

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