Athena always gets the last laugh

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Early morning Killian called a meeting for all his allies. Normally Athena would not attend, but her mother was already out on business and since Athena was to inherit the business soon she was sent i her mothers place.

Killian sat at the head of the table. He looked piss. His hands continued to clench and unclench. Athena attempted to keep a straight face, but seeing Killian look so authorities had her panties wet. She crossed her legs and sat up straighter to try and seem okay.

People continued to file into the room and soon the long conference table was full. Killian remained quiet and no one else dared to speak up. Everyone sat in silent for what felt like two hours, but was really ten minutes.

"Can someone tell me why the hell I am missing ten thousand dollars?" Killian finally spoke up.

The men looked around themselves, but Athena continued to stare at the captivating man.

"Shouldn't you be talking to your men before calling us in?" A near bald man spoke. His stomach protruded out and it was the buttons on his shirt were hanging on for dear life.

"I did talk to my men, but the money missing came from the account for business between you all. So tell me who took my money!" Killian slammed his hand on the table and everyone in he room jumped slightly. The muscular man was screaming authoritative and one dared to question it.

A giggle escape Athena's lips and she quickly tried to cough it away, but it was too late. Killian turned his head to face her. "Is something funny?" Killian spit out. His tone shocked Athena because he had never spoke to her in such a manner. She tried to hide the shock on her face.

"Not at all, sir." She spoke. She attempted to lace her voice with confidence, but she found it hard with the powerful aura that surrounded Killian. Killian rolled his eyes and ignored Athena.

The man sitting across from Athena scoffed at her. "is there a problem?" Athena asked him.

"What is a women doing here? Especially a women of her color?" The man spit with referring to Athena's chocolate skin.

"A women of my color? Do you mean a black women? The same women your daddy cheated on your mommy with?" Athena sweetly replied.

The man slammed his fist on the table. "You keep my family out of your mouth!"

"Or what? Hm? Are you going to kill me? Go ahead try it. Now calm down chubby."

The man's face began to turn red and he dug his nails into his skin.

"Both of you stop." Killian demanded. Athena closed her mouth and so did the man. They both turned away from each other.

"Athena why are you here? I called her Mafia leaders, not wannabe Mafia leaders." Killian spoke. His constant deg ration of Athena struck her hard, but she refused to let that show.

"Well my mother is busy and since I'll be taking over next year she figured it would be fine to send me." Athena explained.

"Well tell her mother not to send children here again. I want the leader, not their children."

"I'm not a child Killian." Athena spit back at him.

The room was filled with gasp from Athena's bravery to call Killian by his name. "Watch what you call me. It's boss to you." Killian said.

Athena rolled her eyes and did not respond to him. "Back to the issue at hand, I want to know who stole my money and why," Killian continued. "If you just man up and tell me then your punishment won't be as severe."

The men rained quiet. "If someone does not fess up then you all will suffer!" Killian yelled.

Athena chuckled and this time did not cover it up. She knew who stole the money, it was her mother. But Athena knew better than to sell her own mother out. In fact the business her mother was dealing with was covering up her own tracks and blaming someone else. And that someone else would be the head of the French mafia.

"What is funny now Athena?" Killing groaned.

"Oh nothing, it's just for such a big scary boss who controls all these other mafias you sure are terrible at reading people. I can already tell you who the culprit is and I've been in this room as long a you have," Athena snorted.

"Very well then, enlighten us."

Athena stood up and walked around the table. She ran her long, polished nails over every man and bathed in the lust that began to fill them. Her tight blouse highlighted her chest and the pencil skirt made her long legs look even more ravishing. She had her hair in a low ponytail that made all the men in the room imagine grabbing it. The amount of sexual confidence Athena carried seemed to flow into everyone else and she loved knowing how weak she could make men by using their lust against them.

Athena swayed her hips as she made her way towards Louis. When she was finally behind him she leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to his neck. His fist formed a ball as he attempted to suppress and groan. Athena straightened her back. "Your culprit is right here," Athena exclaimed. It technically wasn't a lie because the man had stolen some money from Killian.

Louis perked up and panicked washed over his face. "No it wasn't me," he pleaded with a heavy French accent. Three men dressed in suits pushed through the big wooden doors. The men grabbed Louis by his arms and dragged him out. The poor man screamed and pleaded for Killian to listen.

"How can we be sure it is him?" Killian directed towards Athena.

"Check his bank account. I'm sure your team of hackers could break in right?" Athena responded.

Killian jaw ticked. He dismissed the meeting and everyone began to leave the room. Everyone except him and Athena.

"Why would you treat me like that Killian?" Athena questioned.

Killian walked over to a bar and poured himself a glass of whiskey. "Treat you like what Athena?"

"Like I'm nobody to you. What happened to the sweet Killian who bought me food and complimented me? Why haven't you talked to me in two months?" Athena ranted.

"Well Athena this is who I really am! I'm a cold hearted monster that can't feel shit!" Killian huffed.

"You didn't act like this with me before. I thought we had something going on."

"Well, Athena, we don't. I was just using you. I really couldn't give two fucks about you. You could get shot for all I want." Killian retorted.

Athena stayed quiet, her heart felt like someone stabbed it but she refused to show that pain.

"Hm, the mafia don, scared to admit his feelings, so he goes and decides to try to hide them and pretend to hate the girl he has feelings for. Such the typical romance right?" Athena pushed herself forward. She walked up to him and when she was close she leaned up and gently brushed her lips against his. "That's ok though, Killian, because in the end...Every man comes running back to me." With that Athena turned on her heels and walked out.

The sway of her hips drew Killian's attention and he dug his nails into his palm to try and calm down. Athena was wrong, Killian knew he held no feelings for her. He just simple saw a women who held herself with pride and wanted to tear that pride down. He wanted to show her that she really wasn't special. He wanted to watch her pride break when she realize Killian will never come for her again. He wanted to see her crushed when she realized that she wasn't what a man needed, but a man was what she needed. He wanted to show how easy it was to get in that's whore's pants.

Killian felt he won, but he knew Athena would be back and he would again put her down.

But little did he know...

Athena always gets the last laugh.

Wow what a rude asshole Killian is. He lucky he even got a piece of Athena. Want to call her an easy whore like as if he didn't also sleep with her🙄 seems like he's the real whore.

Anyway sorry this took so long to update but I hope y'all enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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