Hey! I am Elizabeth, you can call me Eliza! I am a happy-go-lucky person, and I love gossip magazines! I have lots of friends of Social Media and I just love "One Cooridinate." (One Direction).
I look at my computer screen, Troy updates his status. I quickly text Ellen.
Eliza: "Like, OMG! Troy was beaten up yesterday, by Greg!"
Ellen: "Oh No! Is he okay????"
Eliza: "Yeah. Greg was expelled and moved in with a foster family"
Ellen: "Did his parents disown him, once he was expelled??"
Eliza: "Nope. His father killed his mother, and he was sent to jail"
Ellen: "Oh. Anyway....... I gotta go. Mom wants to talk about the other day"
Eliza: "The incident, you still won't talk to us about?"
Ellen: "Yes. Gtg."I turn on the TV and watch a Celebrity News Show, to catch up on the latest celebrity gossip. After a while, my computer beeps. Ellen posted on her blog. I take a read.
"For all those who wanted to know why I was sexually assaulted, here is what happened. I sat on a seat, next to this really large guy. It was the last seat on the bus. This guy, called Greg, started rubbing his hand up my leg, so I slapped him, and I was sent off the bus....So there!"
To my surprise, and Ellen's also, Troy commented on her blog.
Troy: "That Greg is an Ass."
Ellen: "I agree. And thanks for reading my blog!"
Troy: "No problem. Gtg to sleep, Peace Out"When Troy said he was going to sleep, I looked at the time. 11:15pm. It was getting late. I shut down my laptop and fell asleep.
I wake up early in the morning, and watch the Morning Celebrity Gossip Show, to find out, who hooked up with who. I got a message from Ellen.
Ellen: "Hey, since I don't have any Social Media, could you check out Troy's profile and see what type of stuff he posts....Please!"
Eliza: "Yeah!!!!!"
Ellen: "Thanks a bunch. C U at school"I open my laptop, and check out Troy's profile. Pretty average. He posts way to many pictures of males athletes and compliments them on their bodies....thats a little weird. I thought maybe I should message his Best Friend Travis, he might give me some info about that. Travis and I, used to be really close friends, so hopefully he will tell me something.
Eliza: "Hey, Travis. Could you please tell me why Troy likes to post so many pictures of half naked men and compliment their bodies?? I am asking for a friend who likes him"
Travis: "Eliza, you don't know how to be subtle do you? I feel bad for you friend, Ellen. Troy already knows she likes him. But she isn't Troye's 'type'."
Eliza: "Wait, are you saying what I think your saying?"
Travis: "Yes. But you didn't hear it from me. See you later. Bus is here"OMG! Troy is a girl in boys clothes! How do I break the news to Ellen? I will see her at school. So thats the perfect time.
I get ready for school, eat breakfast, get in the car and arrive at school.
High School Stories
AcakA group of teens face the challenges and problems the world has to give them.