7 - Free Fallin'

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The look on Ri Jeong Hyeok's face at her question was understandably full of confusion. Seri didn't know what possessed her to ask him about fate.

Of all things in the world she'd never put her money on, it's the unknown. Sure, she'd take risks sometimes, but nothing substantial. She'd done it once before when she told her mother she wanted to be a chef. She did it again when she accepted the opportunity to move to France, leaving home for the first time.

Fate was a loose term fit only for the hopeful and idealistic, and she wasn't one. At least, not before.

The one wonderful evening she had with him years ago made an impression on her. She wouldn't call herself smitten at the time, but she was certainly interested now.

If she told him about their encounter, would he remember? Would it matter?

Clearing her throat, Seri gathered the words together. "Do you remember the Busan Rock Festival in 2006?"

She saw the way his eyes flickered at the mention. Was he surprised?

"I was there, that night, when you played," she said softly as she pointed to him. "We met before. Right before you were about to go on stage. I'm sure you don't remember me but... we had a nice chat."

He looked away, brushed a hand over his mouth, and leaned against the work table next to him.

"You wore this blue plaid shirt and gave it to me when I got cold." She smiled at the memory. "I didn't know you were a musician. Your band played very well. You sang—"

Oh, no. Should she have not mentioned that part?

"—you sang very well..." she finished, feeling the nervous knot tighten as the silence continued to prolong, his response a lost expectation.

Taking a peek at him, she found him staring down at nothing on the table, his jaw set in a tight line. Was he angry? She didn't think it was such a bad idea to bring it up. After all, it was something they'd shared that they could talk about now. But judging by the look on his face... maybe not.

She took several steps closer, hoping to the heavens she didn't do any permanent damage that would revoke her privilege to stay here longer. Maybe she could still salvage this. Maybe...

He turned towards her and she flinched in surprise at the expression on his face. He looked plaintive. Her lips parted in shock as she stared into those eyes that had gotten wistful in a matter of seconds.

"I'm sor—"

That was a long time ago, he signed absentmindedly, I can't believe you remember.

"Well...of course, I remember," she replied, a tad out of breath. "It was one of the best nights I've ever had."

Jeong Hyeok nodded in return but didn't say more. His stance relaxed and she saw his hands loosening from the clasped fists he had balled up. That gave her the courage to move even closer, as close as planting her own hand against his forearm.

He didn't wince or shy away, but instead brought his gaze back to hers, the wistfulness in his eyes replaced by something she couldn't figure out.

"I wanted to find you again," she revealed, feeling the confidence in her surge. "After you left for the stage, I really wanted to find you again. But my friend got sick and we had to take her to the hospital. We ended up having to stay all night there and had to go home the next day..."

His expression didn't change as she went on with her explanation.

"I didn't have your name, and I couldn't even get the name of your band before we left. It was awful. I thought it was meant to be since I was leaving for France anyway..."

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