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Fluff for the best girl<3


Sorry if she seems a bit out of character <3


{3rd Person POV}


An light blue haired girl yells at you, pointing her claymore at you before quickly scurrying away with a red face. You let out a small questioning 'huh?..' looking at her retreating figure, before crouching down to grab your precious flowers. 'what a werido' you thought before putting the different colored flowers in a straw basket.

{small time-skip <3}

After arriving to your humble home hidden in the woods, you go to your indoor garden, quickly attending to your flowers. After watering each different flower with care, you calmly head to your room to taking a [warm  or cold] shower before changing into [comfortable clothing of your choice]. Grabbing your small pouch of mora, you exit your house hold and start your journey, heading to Good Hunter. As you slowly walk down the path to Mondstadt, you take your time admiring the plants and flowers. 'Oh nature... What a beautiful thing-' getting cut out of your thoughts by the sound and sight of a certain blue haired lady killing a few hilitchurls. "If only some people knew how to be quiet!" you say through gritted teeth.

Ignoring her, you walk faster quickly trying to get to your destination. But of course, Barbatos chose to go against you yet again.

{Eula's POV}

"HYAA!" Thrashing my claymore around, I kill the hilitchurls that were once surrounding me. "Thank heavens. Such filthy pest dare challenge me!" I exclaim with pride, putting my weapon away then proceed to put my hands on my hips. 'Would you look at the time' looking up I see the the sun slowly fading away, leaving the sky into a orange-yellow color. "Hm.. sticky honey roast does sound good right now.. plus, I am getting a tad hungry..." I mumble, placing my right hand on my chin followed by a thinking face covering my features. "Guess I could go to good hunter, I have nothing else to do anyways" turning around I start to make my way to Mondstadt.

{A Time skip brought to you by a chibi Elua and M/n cuddling under a certain tree in Wind rise}

{3rd Person POV}

A certain h/c male is seen slowly walking towards the front gaits of Mondstadt. Right as he was about to enter, he was interrupted by a yell that seemed aimed towards him. Turning around, his eyes wide seeing the same blue haired girl from earlier. Yet again, pointing her claymore straight at his face, the now rissen moon shining onto it, giving it some sort of bright shine. "I SEE WE HAVE MET AGAIN!" The blue hair girl yells, "MAYBE IT'S A SIGN THAT I SHOULD END YOU!!" she ends with a slight harsh tone with a hint of pride in it. "Oh yeah really? Well that's cool." You yawn out showing no signs of interest, before turning back around continuing your way to Good Hunter, ignoring the fuming lad behind you. "I- Wha- HUH?!" You hear behind you as you continue your way on. Light Footsteps are to be heard on your left side, turning your head  you see the same blue haired girl walking next to you. A tick mark to be seen on the side of her head. "How dare you ignore me! You are now on the top in my vengeance list!" She loudly says, giving you a harsh glare. "Well that's cool..."  you mumble, walking faster to get away from her.

Arriving at your destination, right as you were about to order, you heard the sound of a grumbling stomach next to you. Looking to who the sound came from, you see the same vengeance yelling girl. Drooling at the sight of the delicious smelling food. Rolling your eyes, you order your [food of choice] and some Sticky Honey Roast before handing Sara the needed amount of mora. "All right! Here you go!" Sara says, handing you the meals. Nodding your head in a thanking matter, you tap the blue haired girl's shoulder. Turning her head looking at you with a confused look, you point(?) your head towards a table before heading to it confirming the 'crazy' lady is following you  and sitting.

"Here you go." You say, putting down the f/f and sticky honey roast. "Tch. How dare you think one cannot buy their own me—", "M/n, M/n l/n is the name." You quickly say cutting her off. "Hmph. Elua, Elua Laurence." The blue hair girl, now know as Elua says. "Good. Now, Elua. If you don't proceed to eat your food, I will not hesitate to force you too." You say, your left eye shining red and a 'demonic' aura surrounding you. 'S-scary' she thought , sweat dropping before quickly eating a piece of her meal. "Good!" You say, the 'demonic' aura quickly fading away and being replaced by a flowery aura followed by sparkles shining around you.

{time skip to after both of you finishing your meals and exiting Mondstadt}

{M/n POV}

"Thank you.." Elua quietly whispers looking away with light blush coating her face. "Hm? Whadyu(what did you) say?" You asking, facing your body towards her, slighting tilting your head right. "I SAID THANK YOU!!" She yells at your face, dark red blush coating her entire face making her look like a tomato (lol). "Hehe, just messing with you, I heard what you said. But no problem, you seem pretty hungry. Plus it looked like you had no money." I reply with a slight chuckle. "How embarrassing..." Elua quietly mumbles, yet I still manage to hear. "Ehe, don't be embarrassed! What happened to all that confidence that you had earlier?" I say with a teasing face (like how killua's face looked on that one episode). "Tch! I am not embarrassed! How dare you accuse me of such thing!" She yells, covering her face with her hands. "Yeah yeah whatever you say Ms. 'I will have vengeance on everybody' " Rolling my eyes as put her hands down from her face. "But for real, don't worry about it. You seemed hungry. And hopefully I moved down from being #1 on your vengeance list" I finish, closing my eyes smiling with light blush.

{Elua POV}

I let out a small gasp, putting my hand tk my heart.

Ba Thump.

Ba Thump.

Ba Thump.

'Maybe.. vengeance isn't always so bad'..



Should I make a part 2?

Sorry if it wasn't too good, I haven't gotten any sleep so it might be suckier than usual.

Also sorry for not for a while posting! I had typed it down on my computer but it just won't turn on no more :,[
And sorry for all the POV changes

1142 words.

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