The First Day Of Winter Camp

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Sorbet's POV : He wakes up blinking his eyes while he is done with the blinking he stares at the white wall and yawns. He gets off his bed and grabs some warm clothes out of his closet

Sorbet's Mind :Hmmm this is my first day of Winter Camp.. what should I wear it's gonna be cold hmmm... Should I wear this leather jacket or this sailor custom jacket, mmmm ah I'll wear this one **He picks the sailor jacket and some warm pants** While he changes in the bathroom he hears his name being called


Sorbet : COMING - OoOOO!

Sorbet walks down the stairs and sees Sea Fairy Cookie making him some salmon and broccoli for breakfast his favorite dish in the morning

"Sorbet sits down on the chair and pours himself some orange juice and Sea Fairy places his plate onto the table"

Thank you! He bows and eats the salmon with his fork

While he chews, he checks the time

Oh SHIT I got to go! **He eats super fast and washes his dish like super duper fast**  He grabs his small backpack and runs out the door

While he runs out the door and checks the business time for the busses

Sorbets mind : Hmmm in 10 minutes... that's enough time I think... the camp starts in 50 minutes..

"While he waits for the bus. The bus finally came and the bus slowly opened the door he jumps inside and finds a.. seat tooo sit down on"

"Sorbets POV" He looks at the perfect seat in the middle not so far but not so close either he says in his mind"

**He sits down calmly and puts on his hood.** He fixes his lil fin and pokes it out

After 13 stops he finally gets out and looks at how big the camp is.

Holy fuck this camp is huge!  His pupils get smaller of the shock

**Sighs** I guess I'm going inside. **He grips his backpack and walks inside.**


I'll be working on part 2 very soon! It's one am at the moment and can't really think!

( ON BREAK) Sorbet's Bizarre Adventure - Pancake Cookie X Sorbet Shark - wipWhere stories live. Discover now