Expresso Latte Part Two

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Sorry for not posting any stories lately! I was busy playing this game called Pokemon Legends Arceus

Anyways here we go


They all sit down on the three seated chair and stare at each other. Pancake and Sorbet sitting next to each other while Fig sitting with no one near him.

Pancake : Hey.. Fig?

Fig nods and looks at Pancake

Pancake : How do you sit without falling?

Fig : I actually.. don't really know

Pancake : Should've known. I just was very curious

Sorbet looks at them talking then stares back onto the table. He then opens his sketch book that he somehow brought with him.

Sorbet grabs his blue pen and then sketches something while he hears them talking

Pancake then stops talking and looks at Sorbet

Pancake : Wait wait... Where did you even get that?

Sorbet keeps drawing and talks back

Sorbet : I was carrying it with me the whole time?

Pancake : I actually didn't even notice **he awkwardly smiles and stares at him drawing**

Fig : Oi oi everyone! Our coffee is n-

Mango : Order for FIG! Ahem ahem

Fig : Perfect timing! Like always~ **he grins**

He then stands up on his four legs and walks towards Mango.

Fig : why thank you Mango! Fig says happily and grabs the trail walking towards the group

Mango chuckles and smiles

Mango : Of course enjoy!

Fig then walks towards them and sits down

Pancake and Sorbet smell the delicious smell of coffee and home made snacks

Pancake and Sorbet have stars on their eyes while they smell the delicious smell

Pancake : This smells delicious!

Fig : Heheh of course! They take their time and effort for these deserts!

Fig : Oh and Sorbet! You don't mind moving your sketch book?

Sorbet nods and puts it away on his lap and grabs his delicious and soft coffee cake while Pancake grabs his hot coffee and blows on it

Sorbet then carefully noms the side of the coffee cake and then he randomly jumps out of his chair

Sorbet : OOoOOoo!! **He says happily and waves his left hand**

Fig : Hahaha woah woah there Sorbet!

Pancake : Is it really that good?? Can I have some Sorbet??

Sorbet : Yeah sure!

He rips the tip of the coffee cake and gives it to Pancake.

Pancake noms it and his eyes grow big with excitement

Pancake : Yikes! Incredible!

Fig chuckles by their emotions

Pancake : My bad hahah-

He sips his coffee and he falls back his chair slowly with this huge smile of delight


Pancake chugs his coffee while Sorbet eats the coffee cake whole.

Pancake anr Sorbet then look at eachother with huge smiles and their eyes closed.

Fig : Oh I wanted to tell you guys something

Sorbet : Hmm? What is it Fig?

Fig : There's this rumor of this.. creature..

Pancake : What creature..

Fig : This creature has four arms.. with melted butter... he has awoken and controlled all the cookies in that area who go around him..

Fig : But those are just rumors. I have never seen anything like that.. I know years ago.. That cookies and dragons were fighting.. but the dragons have been extinct.. and the warrior cookies have won.. and nothing bad has happened yet.

Sorbet : Weird... where did you get this info..?

Fig : Books of course!

Pancake : I don't think you should trust books Fig.. well some.. cause they could be full with lies..

Fig : That could be true.. but I just think it's crazy..

- one hour of them talking about random stuff and the four armed monster.

Fig notices that it's getting dark

Fig : Oh! It's getting late! We should start heading to the camp before they close!

Sorbet and Pancake nod and get off the chairs

They both push their chairs in and wait for Fig

Fig then jumps out of his chair and pulls the chair in

Mango : Leaving?

Fig : Why yes, our camp is going to close and we gotta go before we are locked out for one day

Mango nods and smiles

Mango : Be safe!

We will! The two of them said but Sorbet did his bubble noises like always cause no other cookies could understand but Fig and Pancake.

They both walk out and see the bus

Fig : The bus! Let's go!


Sorry for my delays! I've been busy doing multiple things

Sorry for my delays! I've been busy doing multiple things

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( ON BREAK) Sorbet's Bizarre Adventure - Pancake Cookie X Sorbet Shark - wipWhere stories live. Discover now