Chapter (the prince of Paltham)

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Prince Savash, are you alright" Abkard asked waving his hand Infront of the princes' face. "Yes you called me" I answered startled to see Abkard, I could swear I  thought was alone. "I was saying that his majesty demands you meet with him today" "oh yes... his majesty" I stood up ready to meet him. "in an hour your highness" Abkard said embarrassed for me. "in an hour it is" I mumbled but headed out anyway. "Sir every since last week you seem to be absent minded is everything truly alright" Abkar voiced his concerned. "yes everything is well" I was lying to him, I never lie but if he knew that I could not stop thinking about that devilish girl he would be worried about me and he should, she was evil... her dark powers were consuming, I could still see it as if it was happening now, I could still feel it, no not feel it but her, her scent her aura her soul and at that note I had to shake the thought away, the urge to kill her rushed through my veins scaring myself, a chance to rid the world of evil has finally come again and unlike the last, I plan on killing her before she turns into her true form............

"yes your majesty" I said as I entered, "tell me you have captured those involve in the traitors escape" "I have not" "DAMN IT  WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THESE LAST FEW DAYS, ALL KINGDOMS WILL BE HERE IN TWO DAYS AND WE DONT KNOW WHO OUR ENIMY IS" he slammed his hand on his chair... "I can assure you we are close and as for the ceremony I strongly believe we should cancel it" "why? do you know something? he said calmly this time.
"I met the one they call the destined accumulane, and if my calculations are correct we will have to eliminate her soon"
"well make sure your calculations are correct because she is also coming, one wrong move and we make them our enemies"
"yes I understand"
"however if you said it, there must be a good reason so we will take caution" "caution for what" my older brother Sakia walked in with a concerned look, "the Darkians kingdom is arriving in three days" his majesty quickly replied "are you sure it is a good idea to invite them, all they do is cause discomfort for the rest of us" "all kingdoms must be present for the ceremony and that is that" his majesty said firmly "your call" he smiled at his majesty "as for you brother, I heard you caused a scene in both whalemuck and Bandora, keep it up and all seven kingdoms will really fear you more than the accumulane herself " he smirked "what have you done?" his majesty looked worried. "you told me to find the kingdom who was supporting the traitor and I am" I finally spoke.
"just trad lightly we don't need any misunderstandings" his majesty sighed "understood"
"oh yes Savash our dear mother is upset that you have not visited her since you were back" Sakia added and his majesty shot me a death look, "I will visit her now" I bowed and walked away.

The queen refuses to see you" my mothers guards stated as they blocked me from entering her courters, inform her I am here to see her" I said holding back my temper, "see her! hah let me guess it was orders from your father" my mothers maiden said as she walked to the front area "if we are being honest he hasn't ordered me yet but he knows I am here" I managed to smile "well the queen is too busy to see you however we can set a date where you visit and spend time with her since you are begging and about to kill these poor guards" the maiden said loudly pointed to the order and then to the guards. "I shall not leave until I see her" I said loudly playing along since she kept pleading quietly. "Alright alright DON'T HARM US I SHALL TRY AND TALK TO HER HIGHNESS" moments later she came out smiling pointing for me to enter.....
"You do not visit, you do not ask, you do not send letters, how could you be my son?" She snapped as I bowed upon seeing her "do you know how much I worry about you? You are always making new enemies, always visiting new territory and i hear nothing about you for weeks, do you wish to see me on my death bed??"
"My beautiful mother Harming you would be such a catastrophic matter for me that even thinking about it makes my heart want to burst" i frowned "are you done mocking me young man" she frowned back
"I apologize, I honestly have missed you My queen" I took her hand and kissed it
"As you know the ceremony will be taking place soon and all royals must attend."
"Yes I understand I will be there."
"Good I expect no less from the fourth prince of Paltham" she smiled
"I should take my leave now" I stood up and started heading towards the door
"We will schedule a tea time when this is over" she said as I walked out.

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