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A/N Cursing In Parts

Gabby: Why Didn't You Call Alexa Back? I Liked Her. 

Shay: You Know The Joke What Does A Lesbian Bring On A Second Date?

Gabby: (Looks At Her)

Shay: A Moving Van.

Gabby: You Have Major Commitment Issues. 

Shay: Yeah, Yeah. 

Gabby: Please Put This Out In Front. (Hands Her A Pumpkin) I'm Gonna Take This Stuff To The Kitchen.

Shay: (Takes It) Great. I'm Not Carving This Thing.

Gabby: (Goes To The Kitchen) 

Mills: (Looking In The Cupboard) Yo, Do We Have Any Spices Around Here Besides Salt And Pepper?

Firefighter: What Else Do You Need Besides Salt And Pepper. 

Audrey: (Goes Over To Gabby) You Get The Goods?

Gabby: Yep (Empties The Bag)

Mills: Wow.

Gabby: This Is For The Trick Or Treaters. (Gets On The Counter) And Heads Up Halloween Is Chief Boden's Favourite Holiday.

Mills: (Laughs) 

Gabby: Oh, I'm Dead Serious. (Puts The Candy On Top Of The Cupboards) 

Otis: (Shuffling Cards) We Can See Where You're Putting That. 

Gabby: Hey, Nobody Touches The Candy. 

Audrey: We Ran Out Last Year.

Hermann: I Graciously Donate My In Law's Television, And I Cannot Get A Piece Of Candy?

Gabby: (Gets Down And Puts Her Hand On Mills Shoulder) 

Mills: (Looks At Her) 

Gabby: I Keep Coriander, Cumin And Bay Leaves In The Back Cupboard. Um, I Used Up All The Saffron Last Time I Cooked. (Taps His Shoulder And Gets Down)

Intercom: Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Warehouse Fire 6620 Oak Park. 

Everyone: (Gets Up)  

(At The Scene) 

Casey: This Is The Old Traskin Warehouse.

Kelly: Looks Like The Door's Been Pried Open. Could Be Squatters Inside. 

Boden: Smoke's Already Coming Out Pretty Quick. We Don't Have Long On This One. (Into His Radio) Engine 51 Give Me A Two And A Half In The Front Door, Cover The Search Team. (To Casey) Truck 81 Open The Back, Vent The Skylights. (To Kelly) Give Me The Primary Search. 

Kelly: Yes. 

Casey: Cruz And Otis, Raise The Aerial, Take Out The Skylights. Hermann, Mills And Audrey, Let's Open Up The Back And Get In There. Let's Go!

Kelly: Smoke's Bad. Get The Doors Down Back. 

(They Break The Doors) 

(In The Building) 

Kelly: You In There?

Firefighter: Mind Your Step. 

Hermann: Fire Department!

Audrey: Anyone In Here?

Boden: That Smoke's Turning Ugly. 

Kelly: Fire Department Anyone In Here!

Hermann: There's Someone In The Back! Let's Go!

Casey: Hey Guys! Over Here!

Firefighters: Fire Department! Anyone Here?

Audrey Shay SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now