Professional Courtesy

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(At The Firehouse) 

Mouch And Herrmann: (Watching TV)

Mouch: (Almost Falling Asleep)

Herrmann: (Laughing)

(TV Starts Going Static) 

Mouch: What The Hell Just Happened?

Herrmann: (Grabs The Remote) 

Mills: (Walks In) 

Audrey: (Walks In) 

Herrmann: Ah, Damn Thing's Fried.

Mills: Two Hours Left In The Shift And No Calls Yet. That Happen Very Often?

Herrmann: He Did Not Just Say That. 

Audrey: You Have Just Jinxed Us.

(Alarm Goes)

Intercom: Accident, Truck 81, Squad 3.

Audrey: Nice Going Mills. 

(On The Way) 

Casey: Mills. Pitcher's Got  A No Hitter Going In The Eight Inning. Do You Go Up To Him And Say, Looks Like You Got A No Hitter Going?

Mills: No, But. 

Casey: Don't Do It At The Damn Firehouse Either. Especially In Front Of Audrey.

Mills: Yeah, I Got It. And Why Not In Front Of Audrey. 

Casey: You Don't Wanna  Know.

Otis: (Stares At Mills)

(They Pull Up) 

Casey: Stabilise The Van.

Cop: It's Jammed.

Herrmann: Anybody Got Ejected? Vargas See If We Got A Pulse Over There.  Got One Here! 

Casey: (Gets The Door Open) 

Audrey: (Helps)

Guy: I'm Okay. I'm Alright. 

Casey: (Smells Alcohol On His Breath) Uh!

Audrey: Field Test This Idiot.

Casey: (Looks In The Car) Open Containers Right There. 

Cop: I'll Take Care Of It.

(Car Starts Falling) 

Herrmann: She's Going! She's Going!

Casey And Audrey: (Rush Past The Cop) 

Cop: (To The Guy) What Happened?

(Squad Shows Up) 

Kelly: (Runs To The Car) 

Casey And Audrey: (Hold Onto The Front Of The Car Like The Others) 

Kelly: (Shouts) Stabilizers!

 Casey: (Shouts) Cribbing!

Gabby: Lets Go.

(They Start Stabilising The Car) 

Kelly: Give Us Ten More Seconds Boys And Audrey. 

Herrmann: You Got Eight. 

Kelly: (To The Guy In The Car) Hey Sir Just Sit Tight There For Me Alright? Don't Try And Unbuckle Yourself. 

Victim 1: Is He Alright? My Son? He's Not Saying Anything

Gabby: Yeah, He's Alive Sir. 

Victim 1: Oh, Thank God. 

Audrey Shay SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now