Chapter 3

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I get up from the chair first because I was sitting on his lap, I say,"What are we gonna say to Aaron..about us?" He says,"Well I'll tell him eventually. But can you call the owner of your old house to see if we can investigate there?" Oh yeah forgot about that. I say,"Yeah let me call her and see." He said,"Okay let me know what she says." I smile and say,"Okay I will." I walk into his room to make the call. She answered,"Hey Angie what's up?" I say,"Hey I wanted to know if me and my crew can come and investigate your house, it was my house before yours." She says,"Oh yes your parents lived here that's right. And of course I don't mind, when did you want to investigate it?" I say,"Tomorrow at 7 is that okay?" She says,"That's fine I'll be out of town tomorrow night but ill let you in before I leave at 7:30." I say,"Okay thank you so much see you tomorrow at 7." She said,"Okay see you tomorrow then bye." I say,"Bye Beverly." We hang up, I was about to leave the room when I heard something in the room. It got really really cold, it was hot outside so I don't have any clue why it was so cold in this room and not the others. I turn around and I saw a figure in the room, it was a women who was about 20 or 30 years old she was very pretty. I say,"Who-who are you?" She turned to me and says clear as day,"I need help please help me." I say,"What do you need help with?" She says,"A way out of here, there are other ghosts who are demons in this house I'm scared and I want out.." I couldn't believe it why didn't they tell me it was haunted, I was scared because of her presence but I understood that she was scared and wanted out but I didn't know what to do. I say,"I don't know what to do, your not alive sweetie." She looked at me sadly then yelled,"You have to help me please!!!" I say just as loud as she did,"I can't help you!! Your not alive!" I saw how mad she was getting, she was in the corner of the room and then she ended up in front of me in 3 seconds then she grabbed me and pushed me to the wall the hisses in my ear,"I hope the demons find you and kill you." I couldn't breathe I was trying to yell for Zak but my voice wasn't coming out. Then she let go and disappeared just like that. I fell to the floor and was coughing because of her grip she had on my neck. I had to tell him what happened it scared the hell out of me because of what's she told me. I get up and yell,"Zak where are you!!" He must of heard me because he ran to me in 3 minutes he says,"What's wrong? What happened?" I was shaking a lot and I didn't know what to say. He says,"Your shaking what happen sweetheart?" I say,'I saw a figure in here it was a women.." His face changed like his emotions changed from worried to sad, "What happened?" I say,"She said there was ghosts and demons in this house..and she told me to help her get out of here and I said I couldn't she got mad and said 'I hope the demons find you and kill you.' He was shocked on what he heard then said,"Well I'm sorry I didn't tell you I didn't want to scare you, ill protect you." I nodded my head I started to cry then sob, "Please don't let them hurt me Zak I don't wanna die." He hugged me and said,"I promise I won't let anyone or anything hurt you, and what did the owner say?" Oh yeah forgot about that. I say,"She was fine with it, she said tomorrow night at 7 was fine is that okay?" He said,'Yeah that is fine with me ill let Aaron know." I was still scared on what just happened but I couldn't think about it because I didn't want him to think I will get scared easily. He looked at me,"You okay?" I nodded my head,"Yeah I'm okay, we have to tell Aaron about what happened...and about us." He said,"Oh okay I can tell him, about both things." I say,"Are you sure?" He nodded his head,"Of course I'm comfortable telling him." I smile then say,"Well okay go ahead if you want, I need to shower anyways." He smiled and said,"Okay, I can come with you if you want. So you can have someone to talk to." I could tell he was lying I laugh and say,"Your such a bad liar, you want to do something else I can tell." He smirked then said,"How could you tell?" I say,"I'm not dumb I could tell when you say it like that." He said,"Damn your good. Well ill go talk to Aaron ill be back." I said,"Okay have fun." He chuckled then he kissed me passionately for 3 seconds then walked away. I can't believe he liked me I didn't think he won't because I didn't think I was very pretty or attractive for that matter. I wonder what he thinks of himself...

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