💌 三十二

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     "do you want chewing gum or lollipop?" "uhh chewing gum for today" she said before taking the chewing gum from her boyfriend

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     "do you want chewing gum or lollipop?"
"uhh chewing gum for today" she said before taking the chewing gum from her boyfriend.

     Renjun tilted his head while staring at her. "what's wrong?" he asked softly before fixing her hair. Soeun shook her head and sighed a little.
     "I'm nervous"

     He chuckled, "for what? you will do well, you studied hard last night, you gonna slay this" she furrowed her eyebrows, "really?" he hummed and patted her head softly.

     "if you did well this exam, I gave you a present"

     "what present?"

     "a kiss"

     Soeun scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I can get that without slaying this exam" her answer made the male burst into laughter.
     "c'mon don't be nervous, you will do well, trust on yourself, all the studied and those eyebags under your eyes will worth it"

     The girl giggled a little and nodded her head.
"you also will do well, I believe in you- even you didn't study hard last night"

     Renjun grinned, "nah, I study well, I studied your face- do you know that you have a mole under your lips?" Soeun eyes went wide and touched her lips, "really? where" he leaned closer towards her face.


     Instead of pointing at the mole, he pressed his lips on hers making her more shocked.

     "I lied, there's no mole under your lips" she frowned and smacked his arm making Renjun laughed again.

     "whatever, I'll be going first, meet you at lunch" she muttered while grabbing her pencil case. Renjun smiled and nodded his head. "goodluck love" he waved his hand and Soeun did the same before walking away.

     Renjun chuckled and watched his girlfriend slowly disappearing from his sight.

     It feels so great that he could finally call her mine after almost a year flirting and sweet words. It's all worth it, thanks for his braveness to approach her first or not she will never blink an eye towards him.

     Soeun is his girlfriend.
Sounds like a dream come true to Renjun.

     "you're madly in love with her"

     A voice startled Renjun, making the male snapped into reality and realized Soeun is nowhere to be seen.
     He turned behind and saw Sungho at his locker.

     Renjun cleared his throat and fixed his tie.
"yeah... what's with that?"

     Sungho smiled and shook his head. "nothing, I'm glad she met you, I couldn't take care of her before, I ruined her trust and betrayed her, she deserves a real love but I didn't give that to her, she needs love but I ignored that and played her"

✓ SHE NEEDS LOVE | RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now