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A/N hello ^^


Piper lead the way towards the ticket booths. Even though rain cloud looked like they were moving in, a long line of people was stretched out from them. Most had only swim suits and swim suit covers on.

"What's with this place?" Jason asked as she looked around. A roller coaster full of screaming guests ran by, whipping up a wind around them.

"It's a tourist spot" Leo replied "a hotel actually. There's been adds all the way up here. Haven't you noticed?" Jason shook his head. The group moved on, working their way through the crowds until they stood next to a petting zoo filled with goats and geese. Crystal could see it was named after someone called Pan. Whoever would name their kid pan was beyond her.

"Anyone hear that?" Percy asked. He seemed perked up and a look of excitement was splashed across his face. Annabeth looked over confused.

"hear what?" Crystal asked. She couldn't hear anything over the sound of the screams and conversations of the gaggles of people around her. When she looked back over Percy was half way down the walkway heading towards a huge sign that said 'water park' over it.

"oh great" Annabeth said "Who forgot to tell him we're not here to play?" she said.

Crystal shrugged and ran after him with a smirk. She ran under the sign and stopped. The crowds became thicker as she walked in farther. On her left she could see a giant portrate of a guy who looked like he might be made out of water, or the water was coming off him. She couldn't really tell, but it still looked really cool.

Three, sharp whistle blasts rang out from the water area. Everyone around her froze and looked towards the water as a tall girl jumped into the water with a red tube strapped over her shoulder that said guard. The others around the pool that had seemingly been invisible until the whistles rang out stood up and blew one long blast. There was a moment of chaos as people cleared the water and waited on the shore.

"What's happening?" Crystal looked over at a man near her. He shrugged and quickly hurried off.


Percy had just come out of the changing rooms when the whistle was blown followed by one long blast. Three short, quick blasts and a lot of the conversation quieted as people looked over to see what was going on. Percy just had time to see a flash of red jumping in the water before a scream broke out from the crowd.

"Lani! Call an ambulance!" a tall teen yelled as he ran into the gift shop, the black cord from his rescue tub trailing behind him. The crowd parted to let him through and Percy got another look out at the wave pool.

It was clear except for one lone lifeguard pulling in a scrawny little boy who hung limply in her arms. The lifeguard herself looked determined as she pulled him through the water. Percy pushed his way through the crowd towards the pool.

"What happened?" Percy heard as he pushed his way closer to the scene. Once he reached the life guard line blocking others from getting to close, he could see it clearly.

The guard who brought the boy in was working hard trying to, to what Percy could see, revive the kid. The kid himself looked like he was loosing color fast and not breathing what so ever. Nearby, behind the lifeguards were the kids parents. Mom was bawling into his dad and his dad was staring trying not to let his own tears spill over. Percy nodded to himself and started working his way to a break in the line of guards. Before any of the guards could stop him, he slipped under and was right next to the girl.

"Hey! You're not supposed to be here!" the girl stopped to look up. She seemed surprised, her short hair bobbed as she quickly looked him up and down.

"relax" Percy replied as he took over "I'm more skilled at handling things like this than you'd be" He didn't mean for it to sound offensive, but by the death glare the girl was giving him she took it that way.

"Excuse me, but I've been trained for this" The girl stated as she attempted to take over again. Another guard ran up beside them. She looked just as confused as the first guard as she set the defibrillator down.

"Ha-" The new guard started but the first one cut off.

"Get the thing set up" the first said. Percy rolled his eyes.

"No, both of you stop for a moment" He said. Surprisingly, both did.

He smirked as he held a hand over the boys mouth. Concentrating, he willed the water out of him and before long a ball of water was spouting out of the boy's mouth. The crowd around him went silent as they watched in awe.

The boy sat up coughing. His cheeks flushed red again and he looked around before going hysteric. The line of guards dispersed as they let the parents through, Percy smiled as he sat back on his heels and watched.

"Percy! We gotta go!" Annabeth yelled. Percy looked over and groaned. Sighing, he got up and walked over.

"Yea?" He smiled. "What's up?"

"We've got to go" Annabeth replied as she grabbed his arm and started pulling him away.

"Whoa, whoa" Percy laughed "What's wrong?"

Annabeth stopped and glared at him "What was that stunt? That could've gone really bad!" Percy laughed again.

"Don't worry! I'm sure it's all going to be alright" Percy replied "It's Wisconsin, there's no way monsters are all the way up here"

Just then, the guard from before walked up. She had a determined look as she walked straight up to Percy.

"What was that trick you did earlier?" She asked bluntly.


A/N wow, it's been a while hasn't it? Sorry about that. Hopefully this helped. I hope you liked it, and if you've got any comments or anything else to say I'd love to hear!

SEE YA Foxes!

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