Cut off

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  The cake hounds didn't seem to stop coming! Swarming around the small cookies, the hounds seemed to know exactly what they were doing. Cutting them off from each other one by one.

The individuals did their best to fight them off, GingerBrave easily charging them away along with Strawberries Erratic swinging. Wizard cookie cleared the path ahead of them and Chili removed the ones furthermost back.

Then you had Custard cookie (the third.) He tried his best to chase them away, sending sparks of magic whenever they strayed too close. CakeHound after Cakehound, Custard struggled to keep the swarm at bay.

  "CUSTARD HEALING PLEASE!" GingerBrave called. Custard nodded, casting king's blessing, allowing his weakened team mates have a moment of ease.
    Custard suddenly panicked when he felt something gauge into his arm. He shoved it off, tearing up at the pain.
  "Guys I need help!" Custard called. Gingerbave and Strawberry didn't seem  to hear him, neither did Wizard cookie distracted by recent spells. Chili Pepper had heard him though and turned towards the 12 year old cookie.
  She merely smirked and gave a peace sign before running off with the others without him.
   Custard's worry grew as he knew he couldn't do anything about the cake hounds now with no damaging spells, with the last of his magic he cast a shield hoping it would ride him out of the scary situation.


  "Where's Custard?" Strawberry asked.
   "He was defeated back where we got overwhelmed by Cake hounds. He's back at the kingdom." Chili Pepper said, hoping her feint tone of worry would convince the others. She was originally going to help him; she truly was but, an afternoon of adventuring without Custard? Now that sounds like a whole new heaven.
   She didn't hate the kingly cookie. He was just oh so annoying to the thief. King this, subjects that, after weeks and weeks of spending time with him, she was getting tired of it.
    "We should really do some more training with him." Wizard cookie mumbles. "Hes a healer, hes going to need to be as tough as possible."
    "Perhaps some grinding could do us some good? These enemies seem to be getting stronger by each level." GingerBrave  suggested.
    "Oh that sounds awesome! Why don't we do it right now?" Chili seemed to jump with glee, excited for more fights.
     "We need Custard, remember? The whole point of grinding is so ALL of us get stronger." Wizard said matter-of- factly.
     "Oh. Yeah." She huffed.
    "Well if you're so anxious, let's go get him right now and do some training!" GingerBrave exclaimed. Before Chili Pepper could object, she was dragged away back to the kingdom.
    So much for a break.

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