We're Hanging Out With Corpses

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Chapter 8

Frank’s POV

I limp through the front doors of Belleview High, cursing myself for only owning skinny jeans. The tight fabric chafes against the burn, making me wince in pain. Stupid, shallow me for not wearing the bandages to school. I didn’t want them to create an awkward bump in my skintight jeans. But now I wish I had put them on.

I reach my locker and begin to twirl in my combination. Pete appears by my side instantly, a worried look on his face. “Hey.” he says quietly.

“Hey, man.” I reply, holding my fist up. Pete bumps it half-heartedly.

“Are you alright?” Pete asks. “I called your home phone last night, but your mom answered and said you needed to rest.”

“Yeah, I’m totally fine.” I reassure him. “The hospital didn’t keep me overnight or anything. They just gave me pain medication and treated me for minor smoke inhalation. I asked them if I could get medical marijuana and they got mad at me.”

Pete just gives me an incredibly sad look, his brown eyes filling with tears.

“Pete? What’s wrong?” I ask with concern. I’ve never seen him like this before.

“N-Nothing, Frank. I… I just…” Pete’s voice is choked with sobs. Suddenly, he throws himself at me and hugs me tightly.

I frown in confusion, but I hug my best friend back. What’s up with him??

“Good morning.” a familiar voice says behind me. I smile and turn around, Pete reluctantly letting go of me.

“Gerard!” I grin at the raven-haired boy. My palms begin to sweat, and electricity shoots up my spine. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. He’s talking to me. He approached me and is now talking to me. Oh god, what do I do with my hands?? If I put them in my pockets, I’ll look like I’m trying to be cool. If I leave them by my side, I’ll look awkward as fuck. And looking awkward as fuck is not a good thing. Especially in front of someone like Gerard Way.

“So, Frank, I was wondering…” Gerard begins.

Yes, Gerard, I will marry you, is the first thing that comes to mind. What the fuck, me? I’m not gay! I just don’t like girls and I really want to get into Gerard’s pants…

“Would you like to come over after school?” Gerard looks embarrassed. “You know… hang out?”

Did… did I just hear what I think I heard? Gerard Way just invited me to hang out with him. Gerard Way just… oh my god.

“Yes!” I blurt. Fuck, that sounded way too eager. “I mean, s-sure. Yes. I would definitely like to… yes.” I stammer, feeling completely and utterly awkward.

Gerard grins. “Splendido!” he cheers. “I mean, uh, awesome.”

“I didn’t know you could speak Spanish!” I say. So he rescues people from fires and speaks another language? He’s a bilingual knight in black armor. God, he just keeps getting hotter.

“Italian,” Gerard corrects me, looking embarrassed again. “So, uh, here’s my address.” he pulls a folded piece of paper out of his pocket.

“I don’t have a license…” I blush.

“Then I’ll drive you!” Gerard says. “I’ll meet you at your locker after school.” And with that, he disappears into the steady flow of students moving down the hallway.

“You like him, don’t you?” Pete suddenly asks from behind me.

I turn around. “W-What are you talking about?” Fuck, he knows.

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