5. Soil, Soil

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*Brief content warning for strong language, mature themes, references to sex / sexuality*

"He's in fucking California," Jimin spat into the phone. He didn't really expect a response, so he just continued.

"He's running away from his problems. I know he is. He's running away from everything, from me. I don't deserve that. I didn't even do anything to him," Jimin caught his breath. He was so frustrated.


The next morning, Jungkook woke up to the dull thrum of a hangover in his temples.

He rolled over in bed, tangled in the giant white comforter. He grabbed his phone and scrolled through his notifications. God, he loved Kelly, but Jesus, could she be a little less good at her job for once?

KELLY: Are you going to
attend any meetings today?

JUNGKOOK: Can you go
to any that are urgent?


I'll be back online soon

KELLY: Are you going to
attend any of your other appointments?


KELLY: Everything okay?

He gave her a thumbs up reaction as he pictured her sitting at her desk, rolling her eyes at him.

In all honesty, he was grateful for her, since he wasn't exactly the most organized guy ever, preferring his own personal brand of controlled chaos.

She was the epitome of cool, very petite and well manicured with a chic blond bob and a better sense of style than he would ever have.

He rose and dressed in shorts and a ratty college t-shirt, shoving his feet into sneakers.

This is what I need, he thought, I'll clear my head and get back in the game, as he stretched and walked for a few minutes before settling into his pace.

He zoned out completely, doing a few extra loops in his neighborhood.

Who doesn't need to get rid of a few pounds? I'll burn off all the wine from last night

He was ripped out of his own head rather abruptly when he heard a dog barking at him and then a brief pain at his ankle. Ow, you little beast.

He ran faster, until he got tangled up with the dog and stopped, "Dude, I can't help you," he grumbled at the miniature canine.

"Nice shirt," he snapped his eyes up and was met with Taehyung's heavy smirk.

"Good morning, Taehyung," he was somewhat breathless. "Yes, I am wearing a shirt today, thank you for noticing," he replied wryly.

Taehyung gave him a half smile.

"Good morning. I see you have officially met Yeontan," he continued, gesturing down at the ball of dark fluffy fur.

The yapping, biting, mosquito on a leash had a name.

Now, it was Jungkook's turn to smirk, saying nothing. He didn't particularly like being made fun of.

Attractive Taehyung was kind of an asshole. This irked him, perhaps unreasonably so.

"I like the ink," Taehyung said, pointing at Jungkook's arm. Just touching it ever so slightly with his long finger.

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