32. Floorplan

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*content warning for adult / explicit themes and visuals, mature language, s* content*

"Hey Namjoon," Jungkook drawled in a bored voice as the camera cut on. He jiggled his knee and tapped his fingers on the keys.

The therapist gave him a calm smile, "Good afternoon, Jungkook," he nodded, "How are you doing? It's been quite a while," he prompted mildly. Because Jungkook had been avoiding him.

Jungkook inhaled, "I'm doing okay," he started, staring off into space.

"Just okay? Usually when you skip a number of sessions all in a row, there's something going on that you aren't ready to discuss," Namjoon gave a tiny smile and then set his lips in a line.

Jungkook leaned back in his chair, "Well, to be honest, there's been kind of a lot going on," he began, stuttering a little bit.

"Where would you like to start today?" Namjoon asked crisply, scratching something on his notepad with a pen.

"Uh, well, I think I'm dating someone," Jungkook ventured slowly, wincing as though he might receive a blow through the computer.

Namjoon only looked at him, raising his eyebrows so subtly you could miss it, "You think you are dating someone? Tell me about that," he gestured, keeping his face neutral.

Always blank, void of emotion. It was still so abnormal to Jungkook even eons later.

"I'm surprised Jimin didn't already share all of that," Jungkook grumbled despite himself.

"I don't cross-pollinate information in that manner, Jungkook," Namjoon stated with a vague warning in his tone.

Jungkook sighed, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Whatever," he scoffed, before getting on with it.

"I don't know, I've been dating someone? And I guess we've continued to see each other, and stuff," he scratched his neck and grimaced. How inarticulate.

"But, when I told him I wanted to give him everything that I possibly can, and if that means we are dating, that's fine, he got all weird about it and gave me a hard time for saying I'm not gay," Jungkook rushed through the explanation. A thorn of guilt lodged inside of him.

He paused, thinking through how we wanted to say the next piece, "But, we never really followed through with any of that. We are still going out and seeing each other a lot, and I guess I think we are dating now? It's sort of confusing," he ended, voice solemn.

Namjoon pressed his lips together in an attempt to quash an incredulous smile.

"Stop laughing at me, it isn't funny," Jungkook frowned at him.

Namjoon chuckled at the insinuation, "I'm not laughing at you. On the contrary, I think it's wonderful that you've opened your heart to somebody without feeling forced to put a label on yourselves, or your own sexuality. I see that as immense progress," he explained pleasantly.

Jungkook rubbed his forehead, "It's kind of new, I guess," he allowed, "I still don't really understand what's happening."

He scribbled gibberish on a notepad while Namjoon was doing the same, he reasoned.

"It is definitely new for you, I'd say," Namjoon agreed, "It sounds like you are in the beginning of a new and exciting relationship, and it will require a lot of communication," he suggested, sounding a bit smug.

"Yeah, that's not quite as easy as the rest of it," Jungkook laughed, rolling his eyes at himself. That wasn't even the half of it.

Namjoon blinked behind his mask of naïveté, "The rest of what?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.

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