10. Arrow

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*Brief content warning for strong language, mature themes, references to sex / sexuality*

Taehyung slowly loosened his tie as he drove home.

He pushed his lips out into a pout and let the last two minutes of his evening play on a loop in his head.

Why did Jungkook look so sad?

Why did he seem insecure when he asked why Taehyung thought he was gay?

He could've sworn he saw Jungkook visibly shrink, actually make himself smaller, when he asked Taehyung that question.

Why did he look scared when Taehyung answered?

It didn't add up for Taehyung. Even a straight guy wouldn't have looked so surprised and devastated at being called cute, right?

It took everything in Taehyung's power not to turn around and, uh, gently interrogate Jungkook.

But he couldn't, he needed to deal with his husband, who wanted to talk.

Great. He parked his Porsche and let himself into the house.

"Where were you?" he heard as he slouched down the hallway. It was as if an elephant were sitting on his shoulders.

"I was at the LA LGBT Center thing," he answered, coming into the living room of the bungalow.

Yeontan greeted him with a yap and a wag of his fluffy tail, "What did you want to talk about?" he asked.

Seokjin was sitting at their round kitchen table with a glass of wine. He raised his eyes to meet Taehyung's.

He sighed, "I think we should stop couples therapy, Taehyung," Jin announced with a tenderness that was mildly shocking to Taehyung.

"I just don't think we are going to be able to make this work, as much as I want it to," Jin sounded apologetic.

Taehyung sank into a chair opposite his husband. He put his head in his hands, resting his elbows on the table, "Okay," he exhaled.

"Okay," he repeated, "I'm sorry."

Taehyung really was sorry. So sorry, that it couldn't work out. "You deserve someone who can make you happy," he told Jin, whose eyes were shiny with tears.

Jin nodded, "You do too, and I'm sorry it couldn't be me," he admitted,

"I love you so much," Jin sounded like he was pleading, but there was nothing to ask for anymore.

Taehyung nodded.

"And I know now, that love isn't always enough," Jin finished, pursing his lips and finally allowing his shoulders to sag in defeat.

"I love you too, Jin," he replied. He felt oddly numb, like he was taken out of his body and could only feel his emotions in his fingertips, "And I'm sorry I can't love you like I'm supposed to."

Jin stood and drummed his fingers on the table for a moment, he tried hard to push past the hurt, the years of fractured hope that his husband would ever be able to be proud of him, of them, "I forgive you," he choked out.

He turned and walked toward the sink where he left his glass before hurrying into the guest room, shoulders slumped.

Taehyung just sat there and blinked back his tears, sniffing every so often.

God, it just hurt like shit, even though he had been the one begging to be released from this relationship.

He really hoped he was doing the right thing.

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