Chapter 5: The Hour

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Alex's POV

I woke up in Y/N's bed and I saw the stuffed animal still laying beside me. Memories of yesterday flooded my mind, I remembered the mini games, I remembered the roller coasters, I remembered-- the ferris wheel. Then, I remembered their laugh, their smile, their joy, I smiled at the thought.

I sat up from the bed and looked back down at the husky plush, I took it in my arms and smiled. It was so adorable and it reminded me so much of Y/N. It reminded me of that day and what happened, I just couldn't let it go.

"I'm gonna name you..Harold...yeah! HAROLD." I smiled.

I looked back up to look around the dark room. I should probably get up, I thought. I held Harold by its arm and got out of bed. I walked through the bedroom and got to the bathroom. Inside, I brushed my teeth, washed my face and ran my fingers through my hair. Once I looked at least somewhat presentable, I walked out.

I went through the door and went to the kitchen. I saw Y/N making breakfast.

Reader's POV

I was making toast and a bowl of cereal when I looked up and saw Alex. I also saw him holding that dog plush from yesterday. It was cute.

"You must really like that dog, huh?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah..." he laughed and looked down at the dog.

"Well...I'm going to pick up Kevin and Cosmo in a bit. Wanna come with?" I asked.

Alex nodded, "Mhm, sure."

"Great. We can just go eat breakfast then we can pick them up."

Alex sat down next to me, "Hey look!" He presented me with the dog, "I named him Harold!" Alex laughed.

I patted the dog's head and said hi. I sat there and ate my cereal while Alex ate the slices of toast. It was quiet but it wasn't awkward, it was more of an enjoyable silence. Finishing my breakfast, I got up and put the bowl and spoon into the sink to wash later. I saw Alex take his plate and follow me soon after.

"Okay, we should go. The two must miss us already." I half joked.

I was by the door, putting on a pair of shoes and waiting for Alex. He slipped on his own pair of shoes and took the car keys. We both made our way down the building and to my car.

This time, Alex went to the driver's seat so I sat in the passenger's seat. We put on our seatbelts and went on our way. I was exhilarated to see the dogs but I also couldn't get what Will said last night out of my head "He has a crush on me, please, why would he like me..." I thought to myself as we drove it just kept popping up in my head and I couldn't go one thought without thinking about it, "A-Alex do you like anyone? Just wondering"

Alex cheeks get red as he smiled at you "I-I have someone in mind"

I looked away from him "My god, he must be talking about me!" I screamed in my head.

The rest of the ride I couldn't get the thought out of my head. After a while of driving we arrived at Will's place. He walked out of the house with the dog's stuff and the dogs came running to the car "KEVIN!" alex said happily as he opened the door

"How was your "not-a-date" date?" he smirked at us as he handed us the dogs' stuff.

"Yeah, yeah" Alex said blushing even more than he already was, he looked at me and gave a cheeky smile.

You felt a smile foarm on your face and you ruffled his hair. "Oh har, har" you joked as you then helped the dogs into the back of the car.

Will looked at Alex, "HEHE, how did it go, did you tell them, BRIGHTY?" This made Alex blush even more.

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