Chapter 7:Blackout

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I looked at the letter and read it:
"Alex, I know we've only known each other for a few years, but I can't hold back how I feel. Alex..Alexander, would you give me a chance?. -Y/N"

The note took me aback.

First of all, it was a letter.
A love letter.
A love letter from Y/N.
A love letter from Y/N.

The same Y/N that I work with.
The same Y/N that I've been friends with for so long.
The same Y/N that I've liked for so long.
The same y/n I cumed in that one time I was drunk. (Don't ask it's magic😫😏)
I didn't know how to feel confused but also so relieved. I mean, to find out that they actually like me back? I didn't know how to process it.

"I-this must be fake, there's no way?
Right...?" I felt Kevin put his paws on my foot and look up at me, "I-uM Kevin not right noW" I said, feeling my voice crack a bit. I ran my hand through my hair as I started to have a mini panic attack.

I walked over to my bedroom and laid on my bed. Kevin soon followed me on to it. "Kevin, there's no way that Y/N wrote this. It had to have been like Rob or Adam, to fuck with me.." I sighed as I pulled Kevin closer to me. He just laid his head on me. "Ke-Kevin if this was actually Y/N how would you feel if we went out together?"

Kevin licked my face and barked softly.

"I'll take that as you would be happy about it" I smiled for a second as I looked down and sighed again, "I-I'm not sure if I should tell them I read the note on the walk..."

I pulled out my phone and set an alarm for an hour from now, I took off my shirt and threw it across the room and closed my eyes.

Reader's POV

I looked through my closet for something nice. I threw clothes around trying to find anything remotely nice.

"Goddamnit! I have nothing nice!" I said as you threw a shirt. It had knocked over a box in the closet and onto the floor. The contents insides spilled over and I went to go take a look at it. "Haha I remember these photos"

They were photos of you and Alex a few years ago. "Damn, he was skinny compared to now." (we Stan the dad bod)

Suddenly, I heard Cosmo claw at the door like a cat trying to get in at 3am. I walked over to the door and opened it and he went running in.

"Aww, did you miss me, Cosmo?" I asked him, rubbing his head as you went back to looking for something. I ended up going for a nice hoodie and jeans.

I got my clothes on and went to sit down by Cosmo, "Wow, I can't believe I really told Alex how I feel. I basically told a demon and a rockstar (hahah Dewey and bj) and a sweet man how I really feel..." I petted Cosmo behind his ears, "I just want to hold him close to me and have him say he likes me as well"

I went to pick up the box that fell and cleaned up the photos, "I honestly forgot about these, they were before I even got you."

Cosmo tilted his head at the comment, I laughed at it, "You're such a confused dog most of the time but I love you for that." I smile at the dog. I could see some more things in the box such as gifts from Alex and some gift cards I never used 'cause let's be honest, no one ever uses them.

"Awww, look cosmo it's a tiny bow tie to this little stuffed cat" I take the bow tie off the cat and put it on Cosmo, "There. My handsome boy!"

I looked through more stuff before getting up. Cosmo followed me as I started to get my shoes on. I grabbed his Harness and put it on him. "I guess let's do this.." I opened the door and started to head to the park.

Alex's POV

I woke up hearing my alarm blasting. I rolled over to turn it off and slowly got up. I throw on a blank shirt and grab Kevin, "Okay Kevin let's go see how this turns out."

We walked to the park and sat down at a bench and waited for Y/N. My face started to get sweaty and my throat got dry "Fuck...this is really gonna happen" After abit more of waiting I saw y/n and Cosmo walking towards us.

"He-hey alex" Y/N said nervously
Kevin and Cosmo were jumping up and down. We let them run around with each other while we 'Talked'.

"hey y/n.." I said quietly as they sat down next to me "I-Um so how.." I cut them off and pulled out the note and showed them it.

"I Oh UM" Y/N stuttered as they looked away from me, "So Y/N do you actually..Like me?" I said my palms were sweaty and my face red.

Y/N started to tear up a bit and grabbed my hands which makes me blush even more
"A-alex yes i do love you I've had these feelings more recently and I just had to tell you..." I was frozen still I didn't think they actually liked me...tbh I never thought anyone would like me
"Y/N I-I-" y/n and sighes "you don't like me back Dont yo-" I pull them In close and start kissing them I feel their body tense up a bit I wrap my arms around them.

After a bit I pull back slowly I could see Y/N face all red "I do like you..a lot actually"

"How about we go back to your place alex?" They winked at me

"I uM yeaH sure" I chuckled a bit.

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