Hagrid's Hut

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The four first year Gryffindors had left the Great Hall and were heading towards Hagrid's Hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Y/N was tired but at the same time excited to see his good friend Hagrid again. As they were walking, Hermione asked:

"Y/N. When we got off the train Hagrid said welcome back to Hogwarts. What did he mean?"

Y/N chuckled.

"Part of my training was in the Forbidden Forest. I'd sneak over and visit Hagrid from time to time. Never went in the school though"

Hermione nodded as Ron, who overheard, freaked out.

"What? You were in the Forbidden Forest... but that's... forbidden!"

Y/N chuckled as he replied:

"Well spotted numbnuts. It's suicidal if you don't know what you're doing. If you do know what you're doing... well it's still dangerous but at least you have a fighting chance"

Hermione shivered at the thought and wrapped her arms around Y/N's arm as they walked, cuddling into him. Y/N looked down at her and smiled.

They walked the rest of the way in relative silence. As they arrived at the hut they saw a large man exiting. He had a youthful smiling handsome face, was about 6'3" but extremely broad and muscular. The other three were surprised when Y/N called out:

"What's up B?"

Y/N gently released from Hermione's grip and walked forward, shaking hands with the large man before he was pulled into a tight Bro hug. Y/N chuckled, slightly gasping:

"Tight! Too tight you big bastard"

Barnaby was built like a tank. He also didn't know his own strength. He laughed letting go:

"How are you little man. How's my little Bro enjoying Hogwarts?"

Y/N smiled.

"Yeah it's great so far B. Guys this is Barnaby Lee. B this is Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley".

Barnaby shook each of them by the hand and laughed as he got to Ron.

"Another Weasley how many of you are there?"

Ron blushed as Y/N laughed and replied: "Just one more to come B".

Barnaby smiled:

"I've gotta go but I just spoke to Hagrid about you helping out in the Reserve bro. He'll fill you in on the details".

Y/N smiled widely.

"Too easy thanks B. You seeing Newt and Tina soon?"

"Yeah I'm going to their place for dinner on Friday"

"Can you ask Newt to send me an owl? I've gotta ask him about something important?"

Barnaby smiled:

"Will do little bro. See you soon"

"Cheers B. Don't get eaten" Y/N smirked as the other three first years gasped. Barnaby laughed loudly and replied:

"That's the plan"

As the large man walked off the other three first years looked at Y/N who raised an eyebrow and asked:


Hermione looked at Y/N slightly shocked, slightly bemused and asked:

"You can request an owl from THE Newt Scamander"

Y/N looked kind of sheepish as he replied:

"Yeah... I did tell you I knew him and his wife, they're really good people"

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now