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It's been three days since my dinner with Thomas, now I sit braiding Tali's hair as she brushes her teeth.

She stares at me as my fingers separate the sections of her hair, twisting them expertly.

"What?" I ask and sign best I can with her hair in my hands.

"Beautiful," she signs, "you're beautiful."

I smile at her as I put the ties in her hair.

"You are, too," I sign and say.

She giggles and rinses out her mouth before putting the tooth brush up.

"Ready for school?" I sign as we walk into the small living room.

She nods happily.

"I'm walking Tali to school now, mother," I say softly as she stares off into space. She only nods as I help Tali put on her coat and shrug on the one she and I share. "I'll be back this afternoon."

I take Tali's lunch from the counter and the grocery basket from the table and we leave, walking to Tali's specialized school. She can't go to the same school as the other kids given her situation, so she goes to one where the teachers can help her one on one, teaching her to read and write.

Tali tugs on my sleeve and I look down at her.

"Is mother okay?" She asks.

"Mother is fine," I reply, "she's just upset about something."

"What is she upset about?"

"Don't worry about it," I give her a small smile.

We make it to her school where she gives me a tight hug after I give her her lunch. Then she happily runs off into the building with all the other kids.

"Hello, Darling."

I nearly scream as I jump out of my skin while turning around.

Thomas stands grinning ear to ear.

"I'm sorry, Love," he chuckles, "I didn't mean to frighten you."

"It's alright," I breathe as I keep my gaze down, "I just wasn't expecting you."

I finger goes under my chin to lift my head.

"That's better," he gives me a sweet smile that nearly makes me melt.

I remember mother's orders.

"I need to go," I pull away from his touch, "I have things I need to do today."

I walk past him, his hand cathing mine.

"Might I accompany you?" He asks, not letting go of my hand.

"No it's alright," I force a smile, "I can manage."

But I do want you to come with me.

"I didn't ask if you could manage," he says with a small smirk, "I asked if I might accompany you."

"I–," oh he's smooth, "alright, I guess it couldn't hurt to have someone to talk to."

He smiles widely as he laces his fingers with mine and we start to walk. My gaze stays turned down as my cheeks glow red.

A nobleman is holding my hand.
A handsome, sweet nobleman is holding my hand.

A small smile creeps onto my face at the thought.

Mother would kill me.

I look up at him.

But what mother doesn't know won't hurt her.

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