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As Kei's thumb had already in place and prepare to pull the trigger, he gasps in surprise when there is a dip behind him and a pair of the long index and middle fingers suddenly go inside of his mouth, pushing the nuzzle away from him. At the same time, a wide palm glides across his flat tummy, fully wrapped around his waist and tightly pressed his naked back to the familiar solid chest that is only half covered by a bathrobe. 

Sargon's fresh after-shower musk perfume invades Kei's nostrils, intoxicating him with how masculine it smells. Goosebumps had also erupted underneath the surface of his light skin, caused by the damp block locks that brushed his cheek and drip some droplets of water on his bare shoulder.

As Kei's in a daze, Sargon manages to take the nuzzle out of his mouth and snatch the gun away from his weakened grasp before hiding it somewhere he can't see. Then, the inked hand goes back to glides on his chest and gently hold his jaw in place, with the familiar thin lips pressed on one side of his cheek.

"Kitten," The beast inhales a deep breath, before mumbling to him in a pained and slightly shaky baritone voice, "...Why?"

...Why? Kei held his own breath as the frightening feeling comes back to freeze him in place.

...Why ...what? What does he mean why?

"What were you thinking?"


"What were you thinking of doing?" Sargon repeats while trying to calm down his own emotion after seeing his kitten's hasty and suicidal decision. No matter how cruel and vile he is, it was still such an upsetting scene to see. 

But he knows better than to not show his rage and approach the kitten in a gentler way instead of taunting. Because the boy is in such a vulnerable state that for sure just going to break further if he's being too harsh. Besides, the gun's safety lock is luckily still in place so at least the situation isn't so dangerous for Kei in his opinion.

 "What's on your mind, hm?" Sargon repeats the question again, this time in a much more soothing manner, "Share it to me."

Finally able to break away from the daze, Kei chose to not answer the questions and instead, whine while attempting to squirm to free himself from Sargon's tight embrace. However, every attempt seems futile because aside from those inked biceps that are much stronger than his lanky arms, oddly, Kei also feels there is almost no strength left inside of him.

Strange, because it wasn't too long ago for Kei to be woken up from the long slumber. Yet, the rest doesn't seem to give him a chance to recharge. It is as if his body purposely shuts down, refusing to obey and choosing to enjoy the familiar warmth of this scary man's embrace than his own wanting.

It's... not fair... Kei thought as he gives in and let the beast continues to mark his skin with small kisses.

As every kiss chaste on his skin, the suffocating and confusing feeling continues to linger inside of his heart. It's not right... Everything seems to be in a mess, mudded, complicated and it makes his soul feel tormented. It's awful as the thing that was supposed to be his doesn't belong to him anymore. His freedom, his consent, and even his own body. They seem so willing to be crushed, to be used and exploited. And it's... awful. Because his mind is still refuse to be submitted.

...Is this what he asked from me? Why I've become so broken like this? ...But... I don't even have the answer...

All I know is that everything hurts... It... It urges me to just give up... Because I'm too tired... and I want to be free from all of these... I want to get out...

Kitten [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now