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Author's note : wasn't sure what title to give for the authority. I have no clue what's the difference between a detective and inspector. If I make a mistake on that part please do let me know ;)

Please feel free to correct my writings and relay your frustration in the comment! :)


Zech finally had enough. He stood up and sets himself in front of Kei, barring to protect the boy and warns Hye Rin, "That's it. I've had enough of you, Hye Rin!!"

Hye Rin moves her gaze to Zech, staring with eyes full of bitterness and delusion. As much as he hated to see her cry, he hate it more when the princess refuse to accept the truth. Being hard-headed is one of her negative traits but Zech can't imagine that stupidity is also one of them.

Zech can't comprehend nor can let this stupidity continue any longer.

"You should've known that the engagement is annulled the moment you ask for my help. Do you think me spreading the secret is only to get Keenan away from Sargon?" Zech snorts in disbelief, "Do you think that you still can have him after all of this? I told you that I wanted to keep you away from the catastrophe, from your own demise. Yet, you still want to go back and embrace the man that so badly wants to eliminate you??"

Hye Rin's breath hitches, "I just-"

"The ring that you so badly hang your hope for," Zech interrupts, without thinking just revealing the truth behind it, "Is not even picked by him! He never cares for you!! You're the one that's delusional!!" 

The princess's eyes widen in shock. But despite seeing those pretty eyes already gone glassy, Zech adds more fuel to the fire as he clenches his jaw before barking to her, "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO NEEDS TO MOVE ON!! STOP DREAMING AND SNAP OUT OF IT!! WAKE UP!! STOP LIVING INSIDE A DREAM!!!"

And once he's done, it is as what Zech had predicted. Hye Rin finally let out tears as her body tremble in sorrow. The hard truth that she had so hard to deflect had finally hit her. The truth is that Sargon will never let her inside his heart. The truth is that... it is impossible for them to be together happily.

She will just end up in misery. Death is the only one that waits if she continues and Sargon is the one that delivers.

After breaking the princess's heart and delusion, Zech diverts his gaze away as he can't stand seeing Hye Rin's cry. After all, her tears are one of his weaknesses. That is why after all this time, aside from his brother's desire, he couldn't stop Hye Rin to walk to her own demise.

As his gaze now goes to Kei, he's shocked to see that the boy had gone unconscious. Zech quickly goes to briefly check on Kei, patting the boy's paling cheek while calling, "Keenan! Wake up! Keenan!!"

But no answer. Figured that Kei must've passed out because of losing too much blood, Zech bridal-carries the boy and without wasting any more time, strides out of the room as he calls to Boun for help.

Zech left Hye Rin alone to stand in the bloodied room as he busied himself to save the paling boy in his arms. Despite not understanding the situation, he knows that Kei might be able to become one of the bargaining chips to appeal for Sargon's mercy.

It is the only way to save Hye Rin just in case they're not able to escape. At this point, Zech finally regrets his decision. Because letting Hye Rin drag Kei along with them is the biggest mistake he has ever done.

Zech shouldn't have considered Hye Rin's sympathy for Kei. They should've let the boy stay in Sargon's possession and run away with her without ever looking back.




On the same day and time, but in a different location and situation, Sargon is now sitting inside an interrogation room to fulfil the police's request for his presence. As the rumour about him are spreading, the authority summoned him as they want to make sure whether he'll be a harm to the society or not. It is understandable, because The Abadeer is a very powerful family, after all.

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